A Leading, Independent Fertility Clinic

2nd March 2018 in Infertility

Read Time: 4 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Did you know that Manchester Fertility is a fully independent, private fertility clinic? We’re not part of a large commercial group of clinics or linked to an NHS hospital, giving us complete freedom over the treatments, care and fertility services we provide. 

Our independence ensures that every aspect of your treatment journey is focused on what’s best for you and your outcome.

Here are a few more things you may not know about us:

Our expertise

  • We specialise in donor conception. We’re one of the only fertility clinics in the country to have our own UK egg and sperm donors, immediately available to patients. 
  • We support single women on their fertility journey, not only providing comprehensive treatments with UK donor sperm but the personal support you may need when trying for a baby on your own.
  • Our specialisms include urological surgery, male infertility, recurrent miscarriage, embryo implantation failure, endometriosis, 3D gynaecological scanning and hysteroscopy.

Our support 

  • We get to know you, so we can provide you with the best care that you need, and support that really counts.
  • We do everything we can to make sure you leave us as parents-to-be. We even assess your lifestyle and health before any fertility treatment is advised to make sure factors like BMI, smoking or your lifestyle won’t affect your chances of success and that you’re fit and ready for treatment and pregnancy.
  • You’ll be supported by an entire team of experts when you have your treatment with us, including our specialist fertility consultants, embryologists, nurses, counsellors and midwife.

Our treatments 

  • We don’t have a waiting list for IVF or any fertility treatment – we can help you now. 
  • We give you the most effective treatment that suits your needs for the best chance of conceiving. Whether that’s IVF or another form of treatment such as insemination.
  • Your treatment is designed for you. Because every patient and diagnosis is unique, your treatment is always individualised and optimised for your success. 

Our innovations

  • We include some innovations free of charge so patients can benefit, including Blastocyst culture and transfer where appropriate and EmbryoGlue. 
  • We keep you informed about your journey 24/7 through specialist technology. Our systems include your own Patient Portal for online access to treatment notes; EngagedMD to help you understand your specific treatment and consent and our new Salve mobile-optimised app which syncs with our clinic system to offer medication reminders, appointment alerts and secure messaging.
  • Our advanced genetic testing techniques are designed to help older women and those who’ve had failed IVF or recurrent miscarriage have a family.

Our fees and funding options

  • Our fees are transparent with no hidden charges. You’ll be given a fully-costed treatment plan clearly explained right at the start – so you know all the steps we’ll be taking together on your journey to a baby.
  • If you want to help others conceive too you may be able to egg-share for subsidised fertility treatment with us.

Manchester Fertility: A leading UK fertility clinic 

If you’d like to find out more about having a baby with us, speak to our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737 or book a free personal and private 1-2-1.

You can also self-refer online, and we’ll be in touch. 

The Manchester Fertility team will also be at the Fertility Show Manchester next month (24-25 March). We look forward to meeting you!

Last updated: 2nd March 2018

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi - Fertility Consultant
About the author

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi

Fertility Consultant

Peter joined the Manchester Fertility team in 2009. Over the years, he has gained vast experience by looking after his …

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