ICSI Treatment

ICSI Treatment

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is a treatment primarily designed to overcome male fertility problems.

What is ICSI?

ICSI – or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - is a fertilisation technique used in IVF. It involves injecting a single healthy sperm into each egg to maximise the chance of fertilisation.

ICSI is the most common treatment for male fertility problems. As the sperm directly fertilises the eggs, any issues with sperm movement or number can be overcome, giving men with sperm problems the chance to become fathers. 

ICSI may also be used to fertilise eggs that have previously been frozen, donor eggs or used when sperm has been retrieved surgically.

What is the ICSI process?

ICSI follows exactly the same process as an IVF cycle. It is only the fertilisation technique that is different.


Ovarian Stimulation

The first stage of ICSI, just like IVF, is ovarian stimulation. This involves using tailored doses of fertility drugs to help you produce mature eggs.


Egg collection

Around 35-38 hours after the ‘trigger’ injection, egg collection takes place in our clinic theatre under ultrasound guidance. Before you egg collection, we provide you with a sedative.


Insemination of eggs

The sperm sample is washed and prepared. Our expert embryology team identify and select the best healthy sperm from your sample. We look for active sperm that are moving well, and are shaped normally. Each egg is then inseminated by an individual sperm under the microscope.



We monitor your eggs for signs of fertilisation. This usually occurs 16-18 hours after insemination.


Embryo culture

The created embryos are placed in an incubator to continue their development for the next two to five days. Our embryologists keep you updated on the progress of your embryos and advise when your embryo transfer will take place.


Embryo transfer

The embryo chosen by our embryologists is transferred under ultrasound guidance into your uterus by our fertility consultants, in our specially-designed embryo transfer room.



Any remaining good quality embryos that are not transferred are frozen and stored. Frozen embryos can be used in subsequent cycles if the first cycle is not successful or for sibling pregnancy.


Pregnancy Test

You can take a home pregnancy test around two weeks after your embryo transfer. During this time, you will be supported by our clinic midwife. If your test is positive, you will be booked in for your early pregnancy scan about three weeks later.

What does ICSI cost?

IVF with Manchester Fertility starts at £5,750 for a single cycle.

As our specialist fertility consultants will tailor your treatment plan to your individual needs, your treatment may cost more than this. Rest assured, no matter your crcumstances, you will always be offered complete transparency on your treatment and all the advice you need to make informed decisions for your fertility journey.

You can find more details of our ICSI treatment packages, including additional costs your treatment may incur, see below or on our latest price list

ICSI using Partner Sperm

Our IVF with ICSI using Partner Sperm treatment package costs £5,750. ​​​​​​There are a number of features that enhance this treatment package, including:

  • Access to online consents platform
  • Access to patient support app
  • Electronic Witnessing
  • Cycle planning
  • Prep appointment for injection teaching
  • Monitoring bloods tests during your cycle
  • Monitoring scans during your cycle
  • Sedation for egg collection
  • Ultrasound guided egg collection
  • Sperm preparation and insemination of eggs
  • EmbryoGlue
  • Advanced Embryology: embryo culture up to blastocyst stage
  • Embryoscope to monitor embryo development - fertilisation to transfer
  • Embryo transfer/Embryo freeze - if all of your embryos are frozen and a replacement does not take place in your treatment cycle, your first frozen embryo transfer will not incur a charge
  • HFEA Licence Fee
  • Embryo freezing and storage for 1 year
  • Pregnancy scan or follow up consultation, dependant on cycle outcome
  • Preparation of eggs for ICSI and injection of sperm

Additional costs in all ICSI cycles: 

  • Cost of medication (per cycle) -£985 - £2,800
  • Annual storage of embryo/s following first year - £385 per year

Additional costs if applicable:

  • Semen Freeze (1 sample)- £390
  • Semen Freeze (additional samples)- £250 per sample
  • Blood tests in preparation for commencing treatment -Patient: £275, Partner: £240
  • Additional medication week 7 to 12 of pregnancy -  £95 - £230
  • Private prescription fee - £55
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer in a natural cycle - £2,100
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer in a hormone regulated cycle - £2,200
  • MAGENTATM  AI Technology - £330
ICSI using Known Donor Sperm

Our IVF with ICSI using a Known Sperm Donor treatment package costs £5,750. ​​​​​​There are a number of features that enhance this treatment package, including:

  • Access to online consents platform
  • Access to patient support app
  • Electronic Witnessing
  • Cycle planning
  • Prep appointment for injection teaching
  • Monitoring bloods tests during your cycle
  • Monitoring scans during your cycle
  • Sedation for egg collection
  • Ultrasound guided egg collection
  • Sperm preparation and insemination of eggs
  • EmbryoGlue
  • Advanced Embryology: embryo culture up to blastocyst stage
  • Embryoscope to monitor embryo development - fertilisation to transfer
  • Embryo transfer/Embryo freeze - if all of your embryos are frozen and a replacement does not take place in your treatment cycle, your first frozen embryo transfer will not incur a charge
  • HFEA Licence Fee
  • Embryo freezing and storage for 1 year
  • Pregnancy scan or follow up consultation, dependant on cycle outcome
  • Preparation of eggs for ICSI and injection of sperm

Additional costs in all ICSI cycles: 

  • Cost of medication (per cycle) - £985 - £2,800
  • Annual storage of embryo/s following first year - £385 per year

Additional costs for using a known Sperm Donor:

  • Semen analysis for known sperm donor - £175
  • Initial consultation for known sperm donor - £260
  • Implication counselling for known sperm donor - £85
  • Screening tests for known sperm donor -Initial screening £915, Re screen after 3 months £260
  • If your known sperm donor requests compensation -  £35
  • Semen storage per year - £385

Additional costs if applicable:

  • Blood tests in preparation for commencing treatment - Patient: £300, Partner: £240
  • Additional medication week 7 to 12 of pregnancy -  £95-£230
  • Private prescription fee - £55
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer in a natural cycle - £2,100
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer in a hormone regulated cycle - £2,200
  • MAGENTATM  AI Technology - £330
ICSI using Donor Sperm

Our IVF/ICSI using Donor Sperm treatment package costs £7,050. ​​​​​​There are a number of features that enhance this treatment package, including:

  • Access to online consents platform
  • Access to patient support app
  • Electronic Witnessing
  • Cycle planning
  • Prep appointment for injection teaching
  • Monitoring bloods tests during your cycle
  • Monitoring scans during your cycle
  • Sedation for egg collection
  • Ultrasound guided egg collection
  • Sperm preparation and insemination of eggs
  • EmbryoGlue
  • Advanced Embryology: embryo culture up to blastocyst stage
  • Embryoscope to monitor embryo development - fertilisation to transfer
  • Embryo transfer/Embryo freeze - if all of your embryos are frozen and a replacement does not take place in your treatment cycle, your first frozen embryo transfer will not incur a charge
  • HFEA Licence Fee
  • Embryo freezing and storage for 1 year
  • Pregnancy scan or follow up consultation, dependant on cycle outcome
  • Donor Sperm
  • Preparation of donor sperm for ICSI
  • Insemination of eggs with donor sperm

Additional costs in all ICSI cycles: 

  • Cost of medication (per cycle) - £985 - £2,800
  • Annual storage of embryo/s following first year - £385 per year

Additional costs if applicable:

  • Semen Freeze (1 sample) - £390
  • Semen Freeze (additional samples) - £250 per sample
  • Blood tests in preparation for commencing treatment - Patient: £300, Partner: £240
  • Additional medication week 7 to 12 of pregnancy -  £95 - £230
  • Private prescription fee - £55
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer in a natural cycle - £2,100
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer in a hormone regulated cycle - £2,200
  • MAGENTATMAI Technology - £330

When is ICSI recommended?

ICSI may be advised if:

  • You have a low sperm count
  • Your sperm has poor motility
  • You are using sperm recovered through Surgical Sperm Retrieval
  • Your sperm has high levels of DNA damage
  • You have had previous failed fertilisation from conventional IVF
  • You are using donor eggs
  • You are using frozen eggs
Dr Peter Kerecsenyi - Fertility Consultant

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi

Fertility Consultant

Peter joined the Manchester Fertility team in 2009. He undertakes consultations and performs all the related investigations and therapies, his special interests are in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

Meet the Team

Why choose us for ICSI?

As a specialist male fertility clinic, Manchester Fertility has over 35 years of ICSI expertise and consistent patient success.  

Our focus is on individualised treatment to help you on achieving a healthy pregnancy and baby, which means we only offer ICSI if we believe it is necessary and will make a difference to your outcome.

We do not advise ICSI if conventional IVF would be just as likely to work, giving you confidence and trust in your treatment with us. Learn more about our approach and meet some of the many families we have created.

More information

For more information about ICSI at Manchester Fertility please contact us today.

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What our patients say


Can we have ICSI if we don’t have male infertility?

ICSI would not usually be recommended when IVF would be effective, for instance where the male partner does not have any sperm disorders or where the cause is with the female partner. Your IVF consultant will advise if ICSI is suitable for you.

Can I get tested to see if I have a sperm problem?

We offer a comprehensive, private male fertility assessment that includes a semen analysis and consultation with a male fertility specialist.

We not only check your sperm count, shape, mobility and more, but also look at your lifestyle and overall health, to make sure there is nothing that could cause fertility issues for you now and in the future. 

If a fertility issue is found, your consultant will advise next steps. Whether that involves treatment when you are ready to conceive, or expert advice to help improve your sperm health so you can conceive naturally.

You can book your male fertility assessment by calling our team on 0161 300 2737 or book online on our website.

How do I know if my sperm has DNA damage?

It is normal to have some level of sperm DNA damage. But some men have higher levels, which can be a hidden cause of infertility, miscarriage and failed IVF. 

We can perform a test called SpermComet, which looks at the amount of DNA damage in each individual sperm in your sample. If you do have high levels of DNA damage, ICSI treatment can help you to have a baby. Your consultant will advise if you should have a SpermComet test, based on your previous fertility and medical history.

How do I book an appointment with a male fertility specialist?

Our expert male fertility consultants and consultant Urologist are leaders in the field of male reproductive health in the UK. To book an appointment, call 0161 300 2737 or book online on our website.

Other useful resources for those seeking information about ICSI