Baby looking at the camera with finger in his mouth

Fertility guide for single women

Fertility treatments for single women, with personal care and support.

We can help you have a baby, with a choice of health-screened, identifiable UK sperm donors from our own donor bank, and the personal, emotional support you need when having treatment on your own.

You will be supported by our dedicated Donation Team and counsellors, to help you prepare for treatment and your future as a family.

If IVF treatment is successful, you also have the option to reserve more sperm from your donor, so you can try for another child.

Meet our Donation Team

Why use a fertility clinic for treatment with donor sperm?

With increasing numbers of co-parent ‘matching’ sites and men even advertising their sperm online, it may seem like a quick, low-cost option to pregnancy - but it carries significant risks compared to donor sperm insemination at a licensed fertility clinic.

We do not recommend performing ‘DIY treatment’ at home because of these risks to you and your child, and because of complex legal parenthood issues that can arise through treatment outside of a licensed setting.

If you have treatment with us you have the reassurance that your sperm donor is not your child’s legal parent and his sperm is safe for your use.

About our donor bank
Why use a fertility clinic for treatment with donor sperm?

Implications counselling

All women using donor sperm have counselling before treatment, so we can discuss the implications of using a sperm donor with you.

We will talk about your rights, the rights of your child to find out who their sperm donor is and how to explain to your child about biological origins when the time is right.

We’ll help you prepare for the future, so you can look forward to having a family on your own with confidence.

Learn about counselling
Implications counselling

Learning Centre

Find out more about fertility, getting pregnant and your options as a single woman in our Learning Centre.

Learning Centre
Learning Centre


How do we find the best fertility clinic for us?

Firstly visit the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority’s website (HFEA) for a list of registered clinics local to you. Then ring up the fertility clinic and ask for brochures or information, or visit the clinic’s website. Don’t be afraid to go and tour the clinic. At Manchester Fertility you can book in for an informal, free 'one-to-one' appointment so that you can come and visit us, our friendly team will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

How much does IVF or fertility treatment cost?

IVF costs vary depending on which clinic you choose. You will need to pay for the initial consultation, any pre-treatment tests or scans, and then for the actual treatment itself and any necessary medications. For more details, see our prices page

Does BMI affect IVF treatment?

We treat patients with a BMI between 19-35. Research has shown that a healthy BMI can support your fertility treatment, so we encourage you to optimise your BMI and lower it if it is over 30. If you're struggling to do work out your BMI, try this handy online BMI calculator or this is something our medical experts can discuss with you on a fertility assessment in your full health check.

How can I get an appointment with Manchester Fertility?

You do not need a referral for an appointment with us. You can self-refer.

Can I get IVF treatment on the NHS?

The provision of IVF treatment varies across the country, and often depends on local NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) policies.

ICBs may have additional criteria you need to meet before you can have IVF on the NHS, such as:

  • not having any children already, from both your current and any previous relationships
  • being a healthy weight
  • not smoking
  • falling into a certain age range (for example, some ICBs only fund treatment for women under 35)

Ask your GP or contact your local integrated care board (ICB) to find out whether NHS-funded IVF treatment is available in your area.

Do you offer fertility treatment via the NHS?

No, we do not offer fertility treatment on the NHS as we are a wholly private fertility clinic. However certain Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will consider allowing you to transfer the funding for your NHS IVF cycles to us. If you’re eligible for fertility treatment on the NHS, you may be able to Transferring your NHS funded IVF treatment unit but would firstly need to discuss this with your CCG.  More information can be found from Fertility Network UK.

What hours are you open?

Being flexible with our opening times is vital for our patients at Manchester Fertility. We always aim to see you at times convenient to you. Our current opening times are shown on our contact page. You will always see the most appropriate staff member for your needs.

What is the EmbryoGlue Treatment you offer?

EmbryoGlue is not a treatment we charge extra for – we use it as a supplement to the culture media used in the development of your embryo in our laboratory. We started using it because studies have shown it helps improve the chances of pregnancy by encouraging your embryo to implant successfully. It is a culture medium that mimics the natural molecules and fluids you’d find in your own body if you were going through pregnancy naturally.

Your embryo is placed into the EmbryoGlue just prior to transfer – and the properties it contains helps the embryo ‘stick’ to your uterus. Once an embryo transfer is carried out, we can never guarantee it will successfully implant for pregnancy – but 13 separate studies have concluded that the use of EmbryoGlue, thanks to its high levels of hyaluronan, increases both clinical pregnancy rates and live births. And so we now use EmbryoGlue for all embryo transfers at no extra cost to you. For more information about EmbryoGlue, you can visit this link.

I’m in a same-sex relationship and we would like to have a family. Can you help us?

Yes, we welcome many same-sex couples through our doors for pregnancy help, in fact we have a great reputation for it - whether you need treatment with donor sperm or donor eggs. For information about the fertility treatments we offer to help you, visit our donation section

I already have a child but I am having problems getting pregnant again. Is there something wrong with me?

Secondary infertility – the inability to have a second or third child despite have a successful pregnancy before – is not uncommon. But you may be worrying over nothing. Remember, infertility isn’t defined until you have been having regular, unprotected intercourse for up to two years without falling pregnant, so it could just be that this time it’s taking longer than before to conceive. Your age could also be a factor, remember that fertility starts to decline from age 30 onwards and even more so from age 35. But if you think you need fertility help, don’t hesitate seeing your GP or contact us,

I want to get pregnant but I’m over 40 years of age, can you help me conceive?

Yes. However, you need to consider the fact that live birth rates for older women in their mid-40s, who wish to use their own eggs to conceive, is generally extremely low. Your options will include ovarian stimulation, and intrauterine insemination or IVF. Dependent upon your individual case, you may need to consider using donor eggs to get pregnant. For more details, call us on 0161 300 2737. You can also read our Guide for Women over 40.

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