If you can’t get NHS IVF where you live, you’re not alone - a new report has revealed that only two per cent of NHS areas offer the recommended cycles of NHS IVF, forcing many couples into private, self-funded IVF instead.
Fertility Fairness’ report showed that just 16 per cent of local Clinical Commissioning Groups now fund three cycles of NHS IVF – the lowest figure since the NICE guidelines were introduced in 2004. And only four CCG’s out of 209 in England follow all recommended treatment guidelines.
If you’re unable to get NHS IVF and are worried about funding private IVF, we can help.
We were the first private IVF clinic in the UK to offer our patients fixed-fee pre-paid treatment plans, to help alleviate the financial stress of funding private IVF.
Not only do the plans offer multiple cycles of treatment at a heavily-discounted rate, you may even be eligible for a 100% refund if treatment fails. Giving you the peace of mind that you have more than one attempt at treatment, paid for in advance with costs under control, and through a refund plan financial reassurance if you don’t have a live birth.
Private IVF funding plans available at Manchester Fertility are offered independently through Access Fertility, or have been specially developed by our consultants to cover wider types of treatment. Funding options cover IVF and ICSI – including using donor sperm at additional cost - IVF with donor eggs and donor sperm insemination.
Access Fertility Refund plans: IVF & Donor Eggs IVF
Access Fertility’s Refund plans offer you multiple cycles of treatment plus a money-back guarantee if you don’t have a live birth, after all included cycles and associated embryo transfers are completed. The amount of refund depends upon your age and whether you’re using your own eggs, or donor eggs.
Eligibility for a refund plan is subject to an independent medical review by the Access Fertility team, which simply involves a review of a report we prepare, detailing your diagnosis and test results.
If you need to use donor sperm, although this isn’t included in IVF Refund plan fees, you can choose to pay the additional associated costs to use donor sperm from one of our UK sperm donors in your included cycles. We have no waiting list for any treatment using donor sperm.
IVF Refund: If you’re 39 and under and using your own eggs, IVF Refund may be an option for you. Dependent upon your age, you can choose a three-cycle IVF plan with a refund of either 50%, 70% or 100% of plan fees if treatment doesn’t result in a live birth, or a two-cycle IVF plan that gives you a 50% refund.
Donor Eggs IVF Refund: If you can’t use your own eggs and need to use donor eggs, you also have the option of a money-back guarantee. Available to women aged up to 48, Donor Eggs IVF Refund offers a 70% refund of plan fees and is available with no waiting list. We have donor eggs from UK women available now, through the plan you’re guaranteed a minimum of six donor eggs per included cycle.
Access Fertility Multi-Cycle Plan
The Access Fertility Multi-Cycle plan involves no medical review and gives the option of fixed-fee, discounted treatment to older women aged under 45 years using own eggs. The plan includes up to two discounted cycles of IVF/ICSI treatment and advanced technologies including EmbryoScope. You can also pay extra to use donor sperm in your included cycles, if you need the help of one of our UK sperm donors to have your baby.
Manchester Fertility Donor Sperm IUI plan
If you’re interested in donor sperm insemination, we’re the only clinic in our region to offer patients a multiple-cycle, fixed-fee treatment plan. Our Donor Sperm IUI package gives you up to three cycles of donor sperm insemination for a single, fixed discounted all-inclusive price, using sperm from your choice of our exclusive UK sperm donors.
Funding private IVF – it’s your choice
You can be reassured that deciding to fund treatment via any available plan doesn’t influence your consultant-recommended treatment path. You are under no obligation to choose a funding plan if one is available to you, you can choose to pay as you go along if you wish. Your fertility consultant will always explain your options to you clearly and transparently, so you can make an informed choice about how to fund your treatment.
If you have any questions about funding private IVF, call our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737. You can also read our FAQs about Access Fertility plans and our Donor Sperm Insemination (IUI) package.
Last updated: 22nd January 2025