Knutsford IVF: Help to Fund Private Treatment After NHS Cuts

5th April 2017 in Advice

Read Time: 4 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

With the news that IVF services in Knutsford and East Cheshire have been cut to just one cycle for eligible couples, are you worried about funding private IVF treatment?

Health bosses from NHS Eastern Cheshire decided to reduce NHS funded IVF from the recommended three cycles to just one as part of cost-cutting measures. The CCG also planned to introduce tighter criteria for NHS IVF, reducing access even further.

The move will mean many couples in Knutsford and East Cheshire now face the financial worry and risk of funding private IVF. If you’re affected, Manchester Fertility can help.

We offer a range of funding options for all types of private fertility treatment, including an IVF money-back guarantee – so if you don’t have a baby with us, you’ll receive a refund.

We were the first private fertility clinic in the whole of the UK to offer pre-paid funding plans, which we introduced in partnership with Access Fertility to help minimise the stress and anxieties many of our patients have over the financial risk of private treatment.

Our funding plans give you the reassurance of fixed, discounted fees and financial peace of mind that everything is paid for in advance, with multiple cycles included to increase your chances of a baby.

Plans cover all major fertility treatments including IVF, ICSI, IVF with donor eggs and treatment with donor sperm, and are provided either independently through pre-paid provider Access Fertility, or have been carefully developed by our consultant team.

You can be assured that choosing a plan has no effect on your treatment recommendation at Manchester Fertility. It is simply another way for you to fund private fertility treatment with us. You can still choose to pay for your treatment as you go along if you prefer.

Access Fertility: IVF Refund, Multicycle & Donor Eggs IVF Refund plans

Access Fertility plans are available if you need IVF, ICSI or treatment with donor eggs. Plans can also be tailored to include medication costs. If you need donor sperm, you can opt to pay for this separately and still benefit from an Access Fertility plan.

IVF Refund: IVF Refund gives you a proportion of your plan fees back if you don’t have a live birth at the end of your treatment. Dependent upon your age, you can choose a three-cycle IVF plan with a refund of either 50%, 70% or 100% of plan fees if treatment doesn’t result in a live birth, or a two-cycle IVF plan that gives you a 50% refund. IVF Refund is subject to a medical review and is available if you’re aged 39 and under using your own eggs.

IVF Multi-Cycle: Open to all patients aged up to 42 using own eggs in treatment, regardless of diagnosis, Multi-Cycle gives you two cycles of IVF/ICSI treatment at a substantial discount, with no medical review required.

Donor Eggs IVF Refund: If you need to use donor eggs, this plan gives you up to three cycles of treatment with donor eggs. You’re given a choice of UK egg donors from our programme with no waiting list, and a guarantee of six eggs per cycle to help you have a baby. If you don’t have a live birth, you receive a refund of up to 70% of plan fees. Donor Eggs IVF Refund Plan is open to women aged up to 48 and is subject to a medical review.

Manchester Fertility: Donor Sperm Insemination discounted plan

We’re the only North West clinic to give patients who need donor sperm IUI the option of a cost-effective, fixed-fee discounted treatment plan. Our consultant-developed donor sperm insemination funding plan gives you up to three cycles of insemination using UK donor sperm from our Semovo sperm donor bank for one, fixed discounted all-inclusive price.

 NHS IVF Transfer: Move your NHS IVF treatment to us

 Some CCGs will allow those eligible for NHS IVF to transfer their funded treatment to a clinic other than their local NHS unit. You may be able to apply to your local CCG to have your treatment transferred to Manchester Fertility, so you can benefit from our expertise, techniques and technologies. Explore more about moving your IVF cycle from your NHS clinic to us here, and how it works.

If you have any questions about funding private IVF or would like to have your IVF treatment with us, call our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737. You can also read our FAQs about Access Fertility plans and our Donor Sperm Insemination (IUI) package.

Last updated: 20th January 2020

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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