Funding your Donor Eggs or Donor Sperm Treatment

14th September 2016 in Treatments

Read Time: 5 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Needing to use an egg donor or a sperm donor to have a baby shouldn’t cause added stress and worry over donor availability and cost of treatment.

At Manchester Fertility we offer donor eggs and donor sperm with no waiting list, alongside a choice of pre-paid, discounted funding packages to help reduce the financial impact of treatment and risk of treatment failure.

So you can begin your journey to a family with the help of a sperm or egg donor straight away, with costs under control through fixed-fee treatment and no worry about funding future cycles if you need them:

Funding packages: Treatment using Donor Sperm

We have funding options for both donor sperm insemination and IVF with donor sperm, including a money-back guarantee:

Manchester Fertility Donor Sperm Insemination Package: We’re the only clinic in our region to offer a dedicated discounted funding package, designed and created by our consultants to meet the needs of women who wish to have donor sperm insemination.

Our exclusive Donor Sperm IUI Package includes up to three cycles of insemination, your choice of sperm donor, the support of our dedicated Donation Team, counselling and follow-up pregnancy scan.

If you’re in a same-sex relationship, we’ve also included the option to transfer any remaining cycles in your package to your partner, on completion of necessary screening tests, if your own cycle isn’t successful.

Find out more about what donor sperm insemination treatment involves here. We also offer free, no obligation Donor Sperm IUI Open Evenings where you can discover more about our available sperm donors, how we find our donors through our award-winning donor sperm recruitment programme and your treatment and funding options.

Access Fertility IVF Refund Plan using Donor Sperm:The Access Fertility IVF/ICSI Refund Plan gives you multiple discounted cycles, with a refund if your treatment doesn’t result in a live birth.

Although the Access Fertility IVF Refund Plan doesn’t include the use of donor sperm in its fees, you are able to opt to pay the additional cost to use a sperm donor in your included cycles.

Open to women aged 37 and under and subject to a medical review, the refund amount depends upon your age at the time of treatment, either 50%, 70% or 100% refund of plan fees.

Up to three IVF/ICSI cycles are included, along with innovations including EmbryoScope time-lapse technology and EmbryoGlue, with the full support of our dedicated Donation Team and counsellors.

You can also opt for fewer included cycles, with a two-cycle IVF plan that gives you a 50% refund.

For more details of the inclusions and benefits of IVF Refund, and the refund options for your age, click here.

Access Fertility Multi-Cycle Plan:The Access Fertility Multi-Cycle Plan gives you up to two cycles of IVF at a fixed, discounted cost and the same additional benefits as IVF Refund, but without the option of a refund if you don’t have a live birth. Open to all patients aged 42 and under regardless of diagnosis, with no medical review, you can choose to pay additional costs to use donor sperm in your included cycles.

Funding packages: Treatment using Donor Eggs

You don’t need to join a long waiting list for an egg donor in Manchester and Cheshire, or go abroad for treatment.

Egg donors are ready now at Manchester Fertility, we can offer you IVF with donor eggs through a choice of funding packages even if you live outside our region: women from across the UK choose to travel to us to benefit from our UK egg donor availability and financing options, including a refund:

Access Fertility IVF with Donor Eggs Refund Plan:If you’re concerned about the financial risk of using donor eggs, Access Fertility’s Donor Egg IVF Refund plan gives you a refund of up to 70% of plan fees if you don’t have a live birth after all your included cycles and embryo transfers are completed.

Your plan includes up to three cycles of IVF/ICSI - with a guarantee of four eggs per cycle from your chosen Manchester Fertility egg donor – EmbryoScope time-lapse technology and freezing and one year’s storage for your embryos. You’re also supported throughout by our dedicated Donation Team and counsellors.

The Access Fertility Donor Egg IVF Refund Plan is open to women aged up to 48, using donor eggs in treatment, and is subject to a medical review by the Access Fertility team.

Manchester Fertility Egg Donor Packages:We have created our own tiered-price package options for IVF with Donor Eggs.

Our Exclusive Fresh Cycle option gives you all the eggs collected – a guaranteed minimum of six - from your donor. The Shared Fresh Cycle is where the eggs collected from your donor are shared between you and another patient (or the donor herself if she is egg-sharing), with a minimum of four eggs guaranteed; whilst our Frozen Egg Bank Cycle gives you four donated eggs that have been frozen in our egg bank, with a guarantee of at least one good embryo to use in treatment.

We’ll go through your package options with you and explain the details of each in full, so you can make an informed choice.

More details

Read the detailed FAQs for the Access Fertility Donor Egg IVF Refund Plan and the FAQs for the Manchester Fertility Donor Sperm IUI Package. If you’d like to chat to our Patient Advisors about any of our funding options, call us on 0161 300 2737.




Last updated: 20th January 2020

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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