Sperm Donors & Insemination: Our help for same-sex couples

18th January 2016 in Advice

Read Time: 4 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Update 09/02/16: Access Fertility has revised its pre-paid IVF plans since this content was published. Please click here to find out more.

Are you in a same-sex relationship and want to have a family together? In this week’s special series of blogs, we’ll be talking all about your options to have a baby, including donor sperm insemination, our available sperm donors, dedicated help and funding your treatment.

So how do you get started if you’d like to have a family? And what help can we offer you and your partner?

We’ve been helping same-sex couples to have children for 30 years. This has given us a unique understanding of your needs and that of your partner – knowledge we’ve used to develop the most comprehensive treatment options for same-sex couples that you can find, backed with personal and caring support for both of you, at every stage of your journey. 

These include:

Our own exclusive UK sperm donors:You can have treatment with donor sperm right away, with no waiting list. All of our donors are aged 18-41, UK-based, HFEA registered and screened, and complete detailed personal profiles, so you can choose the right donor for you. They are also fully identifiable to any children you have.

Dedicated Donation Team:Using a sperm donor to have your family is a very special and emotive treatment, our dedicated Donation Team was created to give personal support to couples who need to use donor sperm or eggs. They’re here to guide you through every stage of your treatment and to help you find your ideal sperm donor. 

Funding your treatment:We’re the only IVF clinic in the North West to create a pre-paid, discounted treatment package specifically for those who need donor sperm insemination to have their family. 

Consultant expertise:Our many years of helping same-sex couples is reflected in the expertise of our fertility consultants. Your consultant will create a bespoke treatment plan for you, that offers the highest chance of success, based on your individual test results and scans. If you’re not sure which of you should carry the baby, or what treatment will work best for you, we’ll advise you of the best option. 

Treatment range:You may be better having IVF/ICSI with donor sperm than traditional donor sperm insemination. We will always recommend the treatment that is most likely to work for you, and we’ll always explain why.

Free additional help: Did you know that we use a special EmbryoGlue to help your embryos ‘stick’ to the uterus after transfer? And that suitable embryos will always be cultured to advanced Blastocyst stage if possible? All this additional help is offered free of charge.

Advanced techniques:You can choose to have additional treatment options such as pre-treatment Endometrial Scratching if you’re having IVF with donor sperm, and to develop your embryos in our special EmbryoScope time-lapse incubators. These state-of-the-art techniques and technologies are proven to help increase your chances of success. Post-treatment we offer advanced non-invasive Harmony pre-natal screening, from 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Counselling:Using a sperm donor has its own implications not just now but in the future. Our experienced counsellors will discuss with you all the issues associated with treatment using donor sperm, including how to explain to any child you have its origins. 

Growing your family:We welcome back many couples that have had a baby with us and wish to grow their family. You can choose to reserve sperm from your first cycle to use in future sibling treatment if you wish. 

Known donation:If you have found your own sperm donor, we can help guide him and you through the process including legal implications and counselling. It’s important treatment takes place through a licensed clinic to legally protect both you and your partner and your sperm donor.

Read some of the testimonials we’ve had from the many same-sex couples we have helped become parents. If you’d like to have your family with us, call our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737 to get started.

Last updated: 18th January 2016

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi - Fertility Consultant
About the author

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi

Fertility Consultant

Peter joined the Manchester Fertility team in 2009. Over the years, he has gained vast experience by looking after his …

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