Medical Issues Questions - Page 8 of 10

IVF after sterilisation

Hi, I have had 4 caesarian sections, I was sterilised, I've now been in a new relationship for over three years and he has no children of his own. We wish to have a baby together, would I be considered for IVF?

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I have severe endometriosis with no symptoms. I am 29 now and want to get IVF done. No blockage of tubes. FSH and Estradiol are all normal. Do you think IVF will work for me the first time?

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Moderate Dyskaryosis?

What is the policy/procedure for commencing IUI treatment with a mild dyskaryosis smear result? My subsequent colposcopy showed a small area of moderate dyskaryosis. The gynaecologist recommended no treatment of this until I had my family. Would I still be able to start treatment at your clinic with these results?

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Dear Professor Brian, I have been trying to get pregnant for 12 months with no success, if I were to take Chlomid 'before' having diagnostic tests such as hysteroscopy etc, would the medication cause any harm if my tubes were blocked? (therefore no point in taking chlomid) I know I should only take prescribed medication by a Consultant but Chlomid is available over the internet, it has worked for my friend and so it's tempting to take some rather than wait another 12 months for the NHS to prescribe... If I were to take them, could the medication do any permanent damage?

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Embryo screening?

Hi, I am 41 and was wondering if the embryos you choose for transplantation are screened for chromosomal abnormalities e.g. Downs?

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Low ovarian reserve

Hello Professor, I came to you approximately 7 years ago and was advised to adopt due to my blocked tubes, high fsh levels and low ovarian reserve. I am now in my forties and following tubal surgery became pregnant without any clomid/drugs just over a year ago. Can you tell me if you can use the eggs I produce naturally (without any drugs), and then just try IVF this way? Sofia.

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Medical issues, please help!

Hello Professor Brian. I'm 40 years old, my cycle has become irregular in the last two years. Over the last two months I have started to feel mild hot flashes only at night and I need the toilet 3 to 4 times but no hurry or incontinence, while during the day I'm fine. Recently I have whitish, itchy vaginal discharge and I pass lots of wind. I have not seen my cycle for two months now. Are these menpause symptoms? My hormonal test before 8 months is as follows - FSH 3 IU/L, LH 4IU/L, Testosterone 0.2 nmol/l, progstrone 10 nmol/l , free Androgn index 0.4%, SHBG 47 nmol/l,with normal Thyroid fuction.

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Are there any treatments that can be used to prevent the negative effects of endometriosis on outcomes to IVF treatment? I've seen a couple of articles about low dose aspirin and wonder what the current evidence/your opinion is on using this to improve success rates?

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