Medical Issues Questions - Page 10 of 10

Cerebral Palsy

I've got cerebral palsy. Would that stop me from freezing my sperm or donating?

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What is the long time side effect for the use of steroid?

I have been on prednisolone for 15 years. I haven't been able to father a child since I got married in 2005. Does that mean I am infertile?

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Help! Chemotherapy and having treatment

I'm having chemo for cancer and hormone tablets and I want a baby after but will be 44 years old. What treatment will be best for me if it brings on the menopause?

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Fallopian Tubes Blocked

I am due to have a lap dye procedure and consultant has said if my tubes are blocked or damaged they will remove them whilst they are doing this procedure. I am very confused and do not know whether to cancel as if my tubes are removed then my only option ever is IVF and I can only afford one treatment. Can IVF work without having my tubes removed?

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Hello, I am 27 years old and have been trying for a baby with my husband for four years with no success. I have PCOS which is mainly down to not conceiving, will ICSI help me?

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Bilateral tubal occlusion with a right hydrosalpinx

Hi Brian, I've been diagnosed with Bilateral tubal occlusion with a right hydrosalpinx. I've read that having a hydrosalpinx can cause problems with IVF. Have you had success patients with this diagnosis or do you recommend having surgery first? Thanks

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Premature Ovarian Failure

What treatment options are there for premature ovarian failiure? I've not had any periods for 8 years and am desperate to get pregnant.

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Is there any chance left?

I lost a baby at 27 weeks of pregnancy because of an infection on 2009. After that I had metroragy for about 5 months (August to December 2010) when I found out that I have an uterine arterio-veinous malformation for which I suffered an aembolisation on December 2011. Now I stopped a stimulation treatment because my eggs do not grow enough - the biggest is of 5,9 mm, the other is 4,5 mm and my doctor told me it is no hope for me, only with a donated egg. My husband has no problem. I have to tell you My Anti-Mullerian Hormone is 0,12, my FSH is sometime 37, sometime is 5 and I have had the highest dose of stimulation. Please, can you tell me your authorised opinion on this matter? Thank you.

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