Is There a Shortage of Egg Donors in the UK? No Waiting List at Manchester Fertility

12th July 2017 in Treatments

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

If you need an egg donor to have a baby, how easy is it to find one in the UK?

With the news headlines reporting a ‘serious shortfall’ in egg donors in Nottingham, and a local fertility clinic in Liverpool resorting to using foreign donor eggs, you may assume that you’ll be facing a long and difficult wait, or may have to go abroad.

But the good news is that you can actually have treatment with UK donor eggs in this country, right now.

At Manchester Fertility, our own Egg Donors UK egg donor programme means we have UK-based egg donors readily available - we don’t have a waiting list – and can even offer you treatment with a money-back guarantee.

Donor Eggs in Manchester, Cheshire, Liverpool

Live in our region and looking for an egg donor? We can offer you an extensive choice of egg donors who are all healthy, health-screened and fertile women aged 18-35. Our egg donors come from across the North West to donate to us, either altruistically or as part of their IVF cycle.

And as all our egg donors are HFEA-registered, they’re identifiable and traceable to your child in future.

Cost-effective treatment with frozen donor eggs

We don’t just offer treatment with fresh donor eggs. We also offer frozen donor eggs, giving you a cost effective way to have a baby using an egg donor.

Frozen donor eggs are just as viable for pregnancy as fresh, thanks to the advanced freezing technique we use which doesn’t affect egg quality and results in a high thaw survival rate.

Access to UK donor eggs – no matter where you live

You can access our UK egg donor bank no matter where you live. Women from all over the UK travel to us specifically for treatment with our donor eggs and to benefit from our expertise. If you’re outside of our region, we’ll streamline the process where we can for your convenience, including offering online consultations.

Self-refer for fertility treatment with donor eggs

It’s easy to start treatment at Manchester Fertility. You can self-refer to us here, we don’t need a GP referral. We’ll carry out all the necessary tests and develop a completely personalised donor eggs treatment plan for you that gives you the highest chance of pregnancy.

Have a chat to our friendly Donation Team on 0161 300 2737 to explore your options, funding choices and latest egg donor availability based on your egg donor preferences.

Last updated: 20th January 2020

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi - Fertility Consultant
About the author

Dr Peter Kerecsenyi

Fertility Consultant

Peter joined the Manchester Fertility team in 2009. Over the years, he has gained vast experience by looking after his …

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