Fertility Questions - Page 8 of 12

Husband has low motility

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for over a year. My husband has done two sperm tests and has been told he has 1% lot motility. We are seeing the fertility doctor soon and we just want to know what will happen next? We will go straight in to IUI or will we go on medication?

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Could i be pregnant?

My normal cycle is between 26 and 28. I am on 25mg of chlomid and from my blood test results i ovulated this month (45.4).i am now on day 32 and no sign of period...could i be pregnant?, when shall i test? Been getting mild cramps, tiredness and sore breasts.

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LH surge detection

I'm confused about DIUI timing after three failed attempts, and reluctant to try another until I've understood something important in the process, and I didn't really understand what my doctor said when I asked her. I tested for the LH surge at home with a digital opk, in the early morning before work and again in the evening after work. I got my first positive in the evening. However, the info I was given is stated below. Does this mean that blood testing gives a positive earlier in the day than urine tests (which would give a first morning positive 24 hours after the blood test), so changing the date of the IUI depending on which tracking method is used? Given how important the timing is, this seems to add stress to the process, and I don't understand.

"Please keep in mind that while you may have the initial surge of LH earlier in the day if testing via blood tests, you will not get a positive result on the ovulation test until 4-5 hours later when the surge actually reaches your urine."


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LH surge timing

Hello. I'm confused because I've been testing for the LH surge first thing (that's usually 6 or 7 am for me) but then read that because typically the surge starts in the early hours for most women, whilst sleeping, that it won't show up in urine till later in the day. The leaflet in the kit says to test after 10am and not the first time you go to the loo after waking up. So if I continue to do the test first thing will I miss the proper timing for IUI with frozen sperm? Should I be testing after 10 incase the hormone hasn't had time to collect in my urine earlier than that? I'm doing my first IUI next month all being well (probably with ovulation induction) but I'm worried about getting the timings right. I know that the egg doesn't last long once you ovulate which is why the timing is crucial. Thanks

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PCOS-like ovaries

I've just completed an unsuccessful cycle of IVF/ICSI, and my consultant told me that although they don't think I have PCOS, because I have regular periods (12 a year) and have not reported any irregularity or unusual symptoms such as heavy bleeding, my pre-treatment ovary scans show that I have lots of follicles (up to 14) on each, yet I have a lower than average (but not very low) AMH score. I also have acne (since age 14) and am approaching my mid 30s. The consultant says not to worry and there's no reason not to try again, but that all she can say is that I'm a bit "pcos-like" without actually having the syndrome itself. I don't really know what to make of it, and whether this may affect future treatments. We have male factor infertility, so I'm hoping not to add a complication myself, as we already feel like we've got enough to contend with.

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Does Pulmonary Tuberculosis affect fertility?

I am Sridevi, 32 yrs old and five years married. We have been trying to get pregnant for the past three years. Just to tell you a little about my health history - I had Pulmonary Tuberculosis at the age of 17 and suffered for 14 months, during which there was no menstrual cycle. However it returned to normal after I was treated for Tuberculosis. Today, my periods are very regular. After our first year of marriage we tried naturally, after failing in the second year I went for assisted fertility treatment... for four months with siphene and regular ultrasound but was of no use. Then I had a hysteroscopic laparoscopy, and found that my right tube is blocked which was successfully canulated, and my left ovary and left tube were adherent to uterus which was opened succesfully. Few small fidroids on the fundus were also removed. We got biopsy report of uterus and was normal without tuberculosis. After laparoscopy we tried for 3 months with siphene and regular ultrasound. But again of no use. With the advice of a very experienced gynaecologist, I went for IVF, but again of no use. My doctor said my eggs were of low quality. I am not understanding what should be my next step. I am very excited to get your contact, that you would suggest me something regarding this. Thank you

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Over suppression?

I have a 2 failed ICSI cycles on the NHS and I had a 12 weeks prostap injection both times and on my last cycle I started stimming in the 10th week as well as 0.25 of buserelin so having double suppression I was on 450iu of menopur but still had only 2 viable embryos with poor quality eggs and some abnormal. Could being over suppressed have contributed to this?

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Clomid for men?

Is the clinic ever able to offer medications such as clomid, nolvadex or HCG to men with low testosterone, low LH and FSH, and low sperm production? Thanks

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