Fertility Questions - Page 10 of 12

High FSH with low AMH

Hi, we have been investigated for infertility and have been informed that I have a high FSH of 18 and a low AMH of 1.9. On my husband's part he has got a relatively low sperm count and motility. We were recently told at the NHS appointment that the option of assisted conception will not yield anything and hence they could not offer anything.
I have seen so many stories in relation to this and would want to know if there are any treatment options available for us?

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FSH 10.8?

Hi there I have been trying to conceive for three years. Four months ago we were told our problem was male factor. My recent appointment with my NHS consultant said that it's not male problems, it's my fsh level (10.8... I'm 31yrs old, regular periods and believe im ovulating). My hsg and ultrasound came back fine but my doc wants me to have a lap (due to my having a section 11yrs ago). I'm worried that there is no point having the operation as he says we will not get NHS IVF treatment. What can be done for my fsh? If I cannot get IVF on the NHS what other treatment will he be able to offer me? Thank you

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Antisperm Antibodies

I understand that antisperm antibodies reduce the chance of conception but if conception occurs can the antibodies cause a higher chance of miscarriage? Also at what percentage of antibodies does natural conception become virtually impossible? I have found it very difficult to find any reliable information on antisperm antibodies out there so any information is welcome! Thanks

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Unexplained Secondary Fertility

I conceived my son, naturally, within a week or so of coming off the pill over 5 years ago. I have now been trying to conceive again for 4 years without success. We have had a failed IUI and 3 failed IVF attempts, and trying naturally in between. I have had many tests including a hysterosalpingogram and numerous blood tests. Nothing has shown a problem. I am also now using the DuoFertility monitor to chart my basal body temperature. It indicates I am ovulating normally. My husband's tests have also come up normal. Is there anything else or more tests that can be done? For instance, I have heard that a woman's womb can become hostile to sperm after a first child. Do you have any suggestions?

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Unexplained infertility

Hi I am 35 years, my husband 36 years old. We have one 7 year old son who was conceived naturally. We've been trying for 4 years now, one failed IVF due to ceased embroy on day three. So could not go through transfer, all results are good for both of us. What are the chances if we go for ICSI this time?

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BMI and IVF treatment?

I have a BMI of 37, can I still receive IVF from your clinic?

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BMI and wanting treatment

Hi Brian, I am currently 30 years old and have been trying for a baby for 6 years. I currently have a bmi of 36.5 and have lost 1 st 2 lbs so far. I desperatley want to get the ball rolling and have a fertility MOT and start treatment. I have been saving up and wanted to know if I managed to get my BMI under 35 would you review my case? Thanks, Mrs B

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Unexplained Infertility

I have unexplained infertility, I am 25. I have been trying for 6 years and had a very bad experience on the NHS when they were investigating. I would now like to pay privately, what would be my best options?? Thank you

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