Treatments Questions - Page 11 of 22


Can I get clomid from the Manchester Clinic and how much does it cost?

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Low AMH and follicle count - what treatment?

I was contemplating an IUI with a donor sperm but my result came back with a low AMH (5.9) and low follicle count (2 on each ovary). I am 39, have regular periods, never any problems and generally healthy. I am wondering what type of treatment would be best for me since I would probably be a poor respondent to IVF. Would an attempt with IUI on a natural cycle had any chance of success? Thank you for your help.

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What is the suitable program of IVF (long or short program) for Low AMH with normal FSH and LH?

My AMH is low with normal FSH and LH. I try 4th attempt with short program, with one and two oocytes. Should I try the long program?

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NK Cells

Hi, I'm 40 yrs of age and my husband and i have been trying for 5 years to get pregnant. We're both healthy and have had several bloods tests, including AMH, and FSH which came back good. We had our first IVF cycle last year which wasn't successful. We've been to another clinic recently and they've tested my NK cells CD69 which came back 1.01, Cytotoxicity raised at 34%. I have been advised to consider Prednisolone 25mg daily. This whole IVF experience has been overwhelming for my husband and I and we are left confused and not sure if we should go through IVF with steroids. We've read that there is no proven advantage in using steroids in the first three months of pregnancy and there is a small risk of poor fetal growth, though there is little other risk to the fetus, and other side effects may occur. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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egg quality

Dear MFS

I've been told that I have low-ish amh for my age (just under 15, age 35) and poor egg quality (after 2xICSI, NHS). I suffer with bad anxiety so I know that I can do things to improve my general well being and lower stress, which might affect it, but is there anything in particular you would recommend to improve egg quality? I seemed to respond well to the medication (my scans looked good, and up until the actual ICSI part it was going OK). I'm thinking of private treatment, but wonder if it's worth it.

Thank you for your suggestions


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Kind advice solicited regarding IVF failure.

Sir, our history is as follows –
Married since year 2004 (approx. 9 years).
Wife - Age 33 years, suffered genital TB, Taken ATT for 2 years, Fallopian tubes cornual blocked, ovaries and uterus – normal but endometrium thin 6mm even after taking hormones becomes irregular, prognosis very poor.
Husband - Age 37 years, ICSI done. Sperm count and mobility - Normal
Karyotyping of blood sample of both the partners found to be normal.
IVF Treatment history - we have had three failed IVF cycles. First ET through wife and other two with surrogate.
In first ivf (year - 2008) 20 grade-A embryo, four embryo transferred in wife but pregnancy test negative (INKUS IVF centre - Mumbai, Dr. Indira Hinduja), endometrium thickness might be the cause of failure, no FET tried.
Second ivf in 2011 in Lucknow (Ajanta ivf centre, Dr. Geeta Khanna) through surrogate, 13 eggs retrieved, 9 embryos developed without ICSI, four A grade, result – negative, unfortunately surrogate suffered from medical issues (thyroid, TB, fluid in uterus before ET).
Third ivf in year 2013 again in INKUS ivf centre Mumbai. 12 A grade embryos developed through ICSI, Three transferred and 9 freezed. Fresh ET through surrogate - test positive but miscarried after 6 weeks. Then FET through surrogate (this time only 4 embroyes thawed successfully, 1 a grade and 3 B grade), test positive but no heartbeat found after 7 weeks, featal pole exists.
Request - Sir, based on above facts we request you to kindly suggest us the future course of action.

Sir, you are requested to kindly suggest us the best and also the cost and procedure for that option. Thanking you, With regards.

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PGS and Eeva Time Lapse Technology Imaging

Are Manchester Fertility due offer Pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) and the new IVF breakthrough Time Lapse Technology (Eeva) to select the best embryos for patients with history of recurrent miscarriages? and if you do, what is the fee or the cost of these screenings?

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IVF number of trips to clinic

Hi I'm just wondering if you can let me know how many trips i would have to make to clinic for the process of ivf, with own eggs and partners semen?

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