Treatments Questions - Page 10 of 22

IUI treatment

Could you please tell me how much IUI treatment is but using one of your own donors?

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Before going forward with IVF is it standard to have the AMH blood test?

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Sperm antibodies

I am 38 and FSH, LH, AMH are normal. My partner has antibodies causing agglutination 25%. I read IVF can be used after sperm washing. Is it true or do we have to go with ICSI?

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Advice about a recent cycle

I was wondering if you could offer me some advice about a recent cycle of gentle IVF I have been through which was unsuccessful. We only retrieved 2 eggs which I was surprised at as I had previously responded very well on a long protocol IVF on 125 Gonal F with oestrogen and progesterone support.

The gentle protocol was originally meant to be 0.3ml of Buserelin and Gonal F starting from day 1 of period (100 Gonal F for the first 3 days then the dosage was to be reduced to 75 for the last 7 days). The only other drugs were a HCG trigger and booster shot.

However due to the clinic wanting to delay the cycle they asked me to take Buserelin for 10 days before starting the Gonal F. My worry is that there was no other drugs used to support my hormones after my system was shut down by the Buserelin.

I'm just looking for another professional opinion as to whether this method could have worked?

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A weird cycle - is this normal?

Dear Dr, I am doing my 2nd IVF this month. My first in August, was a textbook IVF, retrieval on day 13 and transfer a few days later of a good looking embryo. However this didn't stick. So I was eager to continue my treatment this month. However, on my 2nd period day the scan showed 2 follicles that were already 9 and 11 mm. My doc started me up on the Elonva after all, but today, 6 days later the scan shows that these two follicles have vanished and left only small anthrals. My doc has now upped my dose but what on earth has happend here? I have been scanned for IUIs etc for a year now and have never experienced this before. Can my small anthrals start growing now, one week late?

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When to start cyclogest

Hello. Having had treatment at three different clinics in the last four years (I moved a lot for work), I notice each one tells me to start the cyclogest suppositories at a different time: one, evening of egg collection; two, two days after egg collection; three, evening of embryo transfer. I'm worried that this has made a difference to the chances of implantation - that either there was too much progesterone or too little - and I am about to start treatment again. I haven't asked this time yet because I am trying to focus on the initial stages of my short protocol. In your view, does the start time of cyclogest matter terribly? One clinic told me to start later because they didn't want a risk of infection being introduced so soon after the operation. Thanks

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Why is it important not to take NSAIDs in IVF stimulation phase?

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IUI - No fertility problems

What are your success rates for IUI for patients using donor sperm that have no known fertility problems?

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