What is the suitable program of IVF (long or short program) for Low AMH with normal FSH and LH?

My AMH is low with normal FSH and LH. I try 4th attempt with short program, with one and two oocytes. Should I try the long program?

Our Expert's Answer

This information was published 11 years ago and was correct at the time of publication. It may not reflect our current practices or regulations.

Please note that all the answers we give are on a generic basis only, as we cannot provide more in-depth answers without access to your medical history. If you need a more detailed response, tailored to you, we would recommend a consultation with one of our Fertility Specialists for more comprehensive medical advice.

You could try the long program but there is no guarantee that you would get more eggs or have a high chance of success.  With a normal AMH it may be worth changing the protocol you have already tried. There is information about this on our website.