Single and want a baby using a sperm donor? Why counselling is so important

7th July 2016 in Complementary Therapies

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

If you’re single and want a baby using a sperm donor, we can help to make it happen.

As a leading sperm donor clinic in Manchester and Cheshire – our Semovo programme is one of the most successful in the UK - we’ve been helping solo women to become mothers for many years with the help of our UK-based, HFEA-screened sperm donors.

But we don’t just focus on finding you your ideal sperm donor from our donor bank, or on formulating a bespoke treatment plan that gives you the highest chance of success.

We also concentrate on supporting you, and crucially, any future child you have with our help, through expert counselling.

The importance of counselling support was highlighted this week in the news, when a study by the University of Cambridge revealed that over a third of children aged four to nine, born via IVF to single mothers, expressed mixed or negative feelings about their lack of a ‘father figure’.

The study – the first of its kind to directly ask children born of sperm donation to single mothers about their experiences – also showed that the majority did not want their family circumstances to change.

If you’re considering having a child on your own, reading about the feelings of donor-conceived children might make you feel concerned.

But we’re here to support you every step of the way. Tackling the issue of donor conception, and how to explain biological origins to your child, is one of the many things we concentrate on during your counselling with us. Counselling is carefully tailored dependent upon the treatment you’re having, and if you’re having a baby as a single person using a sperm donor, counselling is mandatory.

Counselling addresses the implications of using a sperm donor to have a baby, not just now, but in the years to come. We’ll talk you through your rights, the rights of your sperm donor, and those of your child - including their right to apply to HFEA when they turn 18 for identifying information about their donor.  We’ll explain how you can talk to your child about how he or she came to be born, why you used a sperm donor, and when the right time may be to raise it with them.

And although counselling may seem daunting, please be assured that it’s here to help you prepare for your treatment with confidence, and focuses on your wellbeing and that of your future child.

Our entire team – from our specialist Fertility Consultants to our Nurses, Patient Advisors and dedicated Donation Team -  have vast expertise in supporting single women through IVF with donor sperm and donor sperm insemination.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you have a child on your own, read our useful Guide for Single Women. We also hold regular free open evenings all about treatment using donor sperm, where you can come along and find out more about it, with no obligation. Latest dates are here so you can reserve your place.

You can also find out about funding your treatment through our exclusive discounted packages, designed especially for women having donor sperm insemination.

We look forward to welcoming you. In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737. You can also read Testimonials from people we’ve helped to become parents, through our bespoke, personal approach to fertility treatment.

Last updated: 22nd August 2024

Ann Curley - Fertility Counsellor
About the author

Ann Curley

Fertility Counsellor

Ann has practiced as a Fertility Counsellor since 2002 and continues to be passionate about this role, having personally experienced …

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