Donor Eggs IVF in Cheshire: Your Choice of Frozen or Fresh Cycle

24th February 2017 in IVF

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Do you need donor eggs to have a baby? At Manchester Fertility we have no waiting list for IVF with donor eggs at our Cheshire fertility clinic, with an extensive choice of UK egg donors with either a fresh donor eggs IVF cycle, or a frozen donor eggs IVF cycle.

But what’s the difference, and which type of donor eggs IVF treatment might be right for you?

How it works: Fresh donor eggs IVF

A fresh donor eggs IVF cycle involves your treatment path being carefully synchronised with the retrieval cycle of your chosen egg donor.

This is so we can ensure your donor’s eggs are collected and fertilised at exactly the right time, so you have embryos to transfer when you’re ready for them.

Your body will be prepared for an embryo using tailored fertility medications, whilst your egg donor undergoes ovarian stimulation. Her eggs are collected and fertilised straight away using either your partner’s sperm, or UK donor sperm from our Semovo national sperm donor bank.

You’re guaranteed a minimum of six eggs from your egg donor, and have the choice to develop any resulting embryos in our state-of-the-art timelapse EmbryoScope incubators, which help us select only those embryos with the highest potential for pregnancy.

Your embryos will be developed to time with the development of your womb lining, so its ready to accept an embryo. The best quality embryo is dipped into special EmbryoGlue prior to transfer, to help it stick to your uterus. You’ll be able to take a pregnancy test two weeks later.

If you have good quality embryos left over, these can be can be frozen for future use in a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle. At Manchester Fertility we have high survival rates of over 95% for frozen embryos, thanks to our advanced ‘vitrification’ freezing technique.

What to consider: using fresh donor eggs

A fresh donor eggs IVF cycle will involve a small delay in starting treatment, whilst we synchronise your cycle with that of your donor. As the donor eggs are fertilised upon retrieval however, there’s no freezing or thawing involved, so no worry about egg survival rates.

How it works: Frozen donor eggs IVF

IVF treatment using frozen donor eggs is similar to that of a fresh cycle, except the eggs of your chosen donor have been frozen upon retrieval in our donor egg bank. When you’re ready to start treatment, your womb is prepared for embryo transfer and six of your chosen donor’s eggs are thawed and analysed for viability, before being fertilised with your partner’s sperm or donor sperm.

Resulting embryos can be developed in our time-lapse EmbryoScope incubators, with the best embryo dipped into EmbryoGlue before transfer to you. Remaining embryos will be frozen and stored by us for your future use.

What to consider – Frozen donor eggs IVF

Whilst you may have concerns about using a frozen egg, at Manchester Fertility our freezing techniques ensure high viability rates after thawing of over 85%. And as the eggs are frozen and ready in our donor egg bank, there’s no delay to treatment commencement. You can start your journey to a baby straight away.

Success Rates – Donor Eggs IVF

At Manchester Fertility, pregnancy rates using fresh or frozen eggs are similar, averaging 40% if an embryo is transferred across all age groups.

Funding Private IVF with Donor Eggs

Manchester Fertility is one of the only UK clinics to offer women who need to use donor eggs a money-back guarantee. The Access Fertility Donor Eggs IVF Refund plan is open to women aged up to 48. It gives you up to three cycles of donor eggs IVF treatment at a substantially discounted rate, with the reassurance of a refund of up to 70 per cent of plan fees if you don’t have a live birth after all included cycles and embryo transfers are completed.

Donor Eggs IVF in Cheshire and Manchester

Book in for your free, no obligation private one-to-one with a Patient Advisor to discuss our egg donors and your options on 0161 300 2737. Or self-refer for donor eggs IVF here. You can also come and meet us at next month’s Fertility Show in Manchester (25-26 March). Book your tickets.

Last updated: 10th July 2024