Switching Clinics for IVF Success: Helping Patients to Pregnancy When Other Clinics Fail

2nd August 2017 in Advice

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

After almost 10 years of failed fertility treatments at another North West clinic costing thousands of pounds, Jon and Vikki had almost given up their hopes of a family.

But then they switched to Manchester Fertility – and achieved pregnancy in their very first attempt. Now they’re the proud parents of baby Michael, born just a few weeks ago and named after his grandfather.

We loved seeing this very special couple again and meeting their long-awaited son.

Just a year after walking through our doors of our Cheshire fertility clinic, they’ve had the baby they didn’t think possible. So how do we manage to succeed, where other clinics fail?

At Manchester Fertility many of our patients become parents with us after failed treatment elsewhere. What makes us different – and the outcome different for our patients - is the approach we take which includes:

  • Expert fertility specialists: Our fertility doctors are amongst the best in the UK, working with organisations including the British Fertility Society and the HFEA – the UK fertility regulator. Widely published in their fields, the expertise of our doctors ensures we can quickly identify new ways forward compared to previous failed treatments. 
  • Whole-body approach: We look at your lifestyle, your health – all the factors that may influence your outcome before any treatment starts. So your body is the best is can be to maximise your chances of pregnancy. We’ll perform our own thorough initial investigations, so nothing is ‘missed’ that could lead to a failed cycle. 
  • Personalised bespoke treatment: We don’t offer ‘one-size-fits-all’ standard treatment paths. Every stage, every process, is tailored completely to you. 
  • Dedicated, supportive team: Our clinic team is your own support network. We are all focused on giving you the most stress-free journey to parenthood that we can, so you can put all your energies into preparing for your family. 
  • No delay to your treatment:We have no waiting lists for any of our treatments, including treatment with donor eggs or donor sperm. If donor sperm or donor eggs are your best chance of a baby, we can offer you UK health-screened and identifiable donors now, along with funding options.

If you’re researching private fertility clinics to decide where to go for treatment, take a look at our impartial tips, explore the HFEA’s advice and read about our patients’ experiences.

We’re top-rated by the HFEA according to its strict inspection standards and highly-rated by patients too under its new ratings system.

If you’d like to come and chat to us about your options, book in for a free one-to-one with a Patient Advisor on 0161 300 2737

You can also self-refer here and we’ll be in touch to arrange your first appointments.

Last updated: 20th January 2020

Dr Debbie Falconer - Managing Director (Joint)
About the author

Dr Debbie Falconer

Managing Director (Joint)

Debbie is our Person Responsible for the Clinic and has worked in embryology for over 30 years. The Embryology Laboratory …

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