Your online IVF journey: Making it easy to get our help and support

15th July 2015 in Advice

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

The internet isn’t just a great source of information when you’re going through fertility treatment, it’s also a great source of support.

We know from talking to our patients that online is the first place they turn to for advice when they realise they need help to have a baby. It’s why our website has plenty of resources to help during this anxious time, whether you’re a patient of ours, or having treatment elsewhere.

These helpful tips and advice are just one of the ways we try to make the IVF and fertility treatment journey easier. We also strive to make it as simple and convenient as possible for you to get in touch with us, whether you have a question to ask and want to keep it private or want to book an appointment:

Facebook: Our Facebook page is our own little community, a place where patients past and present share their success stories, and support others who are going through a similar experience. We’ll tell you what’s going on at the clinic, including our latest news and treatment developments. You can message our clinic team, or ask any questions you’d like here. We always love to hear how you’re doing during your pregnancy, and of course seeing all the happy baby photos, so why not connect with us?

Twitter: We have Twitter profiles for both Manchester Fertility and Egg Donors UK. Our latest blogs are shared here, we also keep abreast of international developments and treatment breakthroughs in the field of infertility. Come and join in the conversation @ManchesterIVF or @ManchesterDonor 

Live Chat: Did you know you can connect with us during our clinic hours via Live Chat? Chatting directly to one of our Patient Advisors online, you can discuss anything you wish in complete privacy and in confidence. You can also book appointments. The link is available via our homepage.

Free one-to-one: Our Patient Advisors are here to help you when you’re just starting out on your journey to a family. Whether you have questions about treatments, want to know more about how our expertise and techniques can help you, or want a tour of our clinic, this free 45 minute appointment is the place to start. You can book in for a free one-to-one with our team here.

Phone and email: We’re always available via telephone on 0161 300 2737 or email: [email protected]

We look forward to speaking with you. No matter how you decide to get in touch with us or what you want to know, you’ll always be assured of our support, help and advice every step of the way.

Last updated: 14th July 2015