Are you heading to Stockport Pride this weekend 28 July.
As a key sponsor of the event, Manchester Fertility is proud to once again be supporting our local LGBTQ community, let’s hope the sun stays out for Sunday!
As one of the top LGBT fertility clinics in the country, we have many years of expertise in helping same-sex couples and singles throughout the North West and UK to have families, with compassion, care and understanding.
This year’s LGBT Pride events have special significance, as 2019 marks 50 years since the Stonewall uprising in New York, which helped to spark the gay rights movement all over the world.
Events at Stockport’s third annual Pride, which starts at 11am, include:
- Pride Parade, starting at 12 noon on Bridgefield Street, with banners and placards to mark 50 years of LGBT rights campaigning
- Performances including drag queens, musicians, singers, dancers and DJ on the Martyn Hett stage from 11am-6pm
- Stalls, food and drink in Stockport Market Hall
- Crafts, charities and community groups
Look out for your free Manchester Fertility merchandise including bands and pens at the Information Desk.
And if you are planning or are ready to start your own family, we are always available to help. Talk to our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737 for more details about our LGBT fertility treatments.
Options to help you have a baby include donor sperm insemination, IVF with donor sperm, IVF Partners/Shared Motherhood for female couples and host surrogacy using donor eggs for male couples and singles.
You can also read our useful Guides for female couples and male couples.
So come and join in the celebrations at Stockport Pride! We are joining our fellow event sponsors in helping to make this year a Pride to remember.
Follow Manchester Fertility on social for details of our events, treatments and fertility news:
@manchesterfertility on Facebook
@fertilitymanchester on Instagram
@manchesterIVF on Twitter
Last updated: 27th July 2019