Meet Fertility Nurse Team Leader Samantha Potts

29th July 2019 in Advice, I Love My Job

Read Time: 3 mins

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Samantha Potts

If you have had treatment at Manchester Fertility anytime over the past 20 years, then our Fertility Nurse Team Leader, Samantha Potts, will already be a familiar face.

In our latest blog she shares her experiences, together with tips and advice for your own IVF journey:

How did you find yourself working in the field of IVF?

I was training to be a midwife and helped to deliver a baby conceived through IVF. I was totally blown away by the emotions and what this couple had been through just to get this far. I knew then that fertility was the career for me.

What sort of support do you give to patients?

It’s my aim to make sure you feel completely supported and understand what treatment entails. I know how daunting and scary those first steps into treatment can be, and how important it is to have someone to turn to whenever you have any questions about your treatment or need reassurance. With so many years in fertility I have a lot of knowledge and experience!

When might someone meet you on their treatment journey?

I help to organise treatments, and also meet and support new patients too. I like to keep involved in all the different stages of my patients’ journeys, so I always know where you are up to and can give you any support you might need when I see you.

Patients really do value the support of the fertility nursing team. What makes the work you do so special?

Nurses do enjoy a special relationship with patients. I think what makes our nursing team stand out is that although we all work differently, our aim is always the same – to deliver care that meets your personal needs and to do everything we can to make your time with us as good as it can be. For me as team leader, supporting my nursing team is essential. Because supported nurses deliver great care to patients.

What are your top tips for someone going through treatment or struggling with fertility right now?

Sharing your feelings and anxieties is so important, especially with those close to you. No matter what you are feeling, remember we are here to support you and there is support out there for you through patient support groups, fertility networks and online forums. You are never alone on this journey, we are always here to listen if you need to talk or have any questions.

Start fertility treatment with Manchester Fertility

Learn more about Samantha and our fertility nursing team on our Meet the Team page. If you would like to arrange a free 1-2-1 to explore fertility treatment with us, meet our team and tour our clinic, book online or call us on 0161 300 2737.

Last updated: 30th July 2019

Sister Samantha Potts - Head of Nursing
About the author

Sister Samantha Potts

Head of Nursing

Samantha has always had an interest in women’s health, after time spent as a Registered Nurse and then a midwife …

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