Asian donor eggs: Your treatment options

13th October 2015 in Treatments

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

If you’re Asian and need to use an egg donor to have a baby, would you consider using eggs from a Caucasian donor?

At Manchester Fertility we have donor eggs for anyone who needs to use a donor egg to have a baby.

All of our donors are from the UK, fully-screened to strict HFEA standards and fully identifiable to any children born.

And although we do attract egg donor applications from Asian women, there aren’t nearly enough women coming forward from the Asian community to meet demand for eggs.

And so many of our Asian patients are instead opting not to wait for an Asian egg donor, and are going ahead with treatment straight away using our readily-available Caucasian eggs, with almost half of all women who use our donor eggs achieving pregnancy thanks to our advanced treatment techniques and innovations.

If you’d like treatment using eggs from our exclusive donors but you’re concerned about the implications of using an egg donor who doesn’t share your ethnicity, it’s something you can discuss in confidence with our counsellors.

Our counselling team is highly experienced in helping couples and people in all circumstances through treatment. They have specific expertise in counselling those who need to use donor eggs or sperm, understanding the unique issues this type of treatment brings.

We understand that choosing an egg donor is a very personal experience, but you’ll be supported by our dedicated Donation Team every step of the way. We get to know all of our egg donors personally, and so can help you with your selection process. All of our donors complete comprehensive personal profiles, so you get a good understanding not only of what they look like but who they are, and their motivations to donate.

We do continuously appeal for Asian egg donors to help spread the message that more donors are needed, so that we can help those who want a specific kind of egg donor as quickly as possible. If you need to use donor sperm and want an Asian sperm donor, we do have Asian donor sperm available now with no waiting list.

For a private and confidential chat about how we can help you start your journey to a family straight away, please speak to our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737, or you can use our discreet live chat service, available via our homepage during clinic hours.

Last updated: 16th April 2021