Sperm Donation Questions - Page 4 of 4

Sperm Donation

My husband is azoospermic, and I am CMV-negative, so have been told that I will need sperm from a CMV-negative donor. Do you have CMV-negative donors, without me having 2 wait for 2 years? (- as I have been advised by my local NHS hospital) Also why is CMV such an issue when, let's face it, if I went out and conceived 'naturally' with another man, the last thing I would be asking him would be his CMV status(!)

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Donor sperm

My husband has no sperm and so we are left with the option of sperm donor. I can't get my head around what type of man donates sperm. I would hope it would be someone just like my husband but with donors at an all time low I have terrible images in my mind. In your experience can you answer this question?

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