Staying positive throughout IVF is so important, but given the emotional challenges of treatment, it is not always easy.
Here are some tips from our team to help you through your IVF cycle:
Make a plan
Make a plan with your partner, or a family member or friend if you are having treatment on your own, that covers things like how many cycles you are prepared to have, what you will do if your first cycle is unsuccessful and how you will fund treatment. Planning helps you regain some control, for the times when infertility may make you feel helpless.
Educate yourself
Learn as much as you can about your treatment and what is involved and do not be afraid to ask questions. At Manchester Fertility we use a patient-friendly online system, EngagedMD. Through Engaged MD you can watch educational videos about your treatment, before you consent. You can also ask us questions anytime.
Get support
IVF can feel all-consuming and isolating, affecting not just home life but work and social life too. If you have a partner, make time for each other ‘away’ from your IVF journey. Create a trusted support network of colleagues, family and friends who know what you are going through and who you can turn to.
Keep positive
Remember that you are in the safest and most expert hands, with a team of fertility specialists who help people like you have families every day.
Use counselling
Professional fertility counselling is invaluable for those times when you just need an impartial listening ear with no judgement, with someone who has lots of understanding and experience in helping people in your situation.
Book online to start your IVF cycle
Book a free 1-2-1 with a Patient Advisor to explore IVF with us, or self-refer online to make a consultation appointment. We have no waiting list and have immediate appointments available.
Last updated: 28th August 2019