Manchester Fertility & IVF 'Add-ons': An Open, Honest & Proven Approach

30th November 2016 in News

Read Time: 4 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Panorama’s investigation this week into the effectiveness of IVF and fertility treatment ‘add-ons’ made headline news - and will no doubt have left many private fertility clinic patients in the UK confused, unsure and likely wondering if their clinic is more concerned about profits than patient interest.

Here’s what you need to know about our approach at Manchester Fertility and what we consider when it comes to offering any additional advanced treatments, techniques and specialist procedures at our clinic:

Does the ‘add-on’ actually benefit our patients?:Whilst there have been many ‘breakthrough’ treatment advances in recent years – as featured in the Panorama programme - you’ll note that we don’t offer many of them at Manchester Fertility.

This is because we only include additional techniques as a treatment option after a thorough review, if we believe that they could make a genuine difference to the outcome for a large number of our patients - and not just for a small minority with a specific diagnosis.

We don’t introduce or offer any ‘add-on’ based on isolated reports of success on a handful of patients, or make any misleading claims about the success of any techniques. Because every patient is different - what works for one, may not work for another.

No ‘experimental’ treatments:We do not offer what we consider to be experimental treatments, such as immunotherapy. We don’t believe anyone who needs help to have a baby should spend money on a procedure or technique which in all likelihood, won’t make any difference. So you can be assured that any ‘add-on’ we do list in our treatments has strong reason for inclusion, according to the expertise of our leading fertility consultant team.

Clear communication:If you’re offered any ‘add-on’ to your treatment, you’ll always receive a thorough and clear explanation from your Manchester Fertility consultant about why we offer it, how it may benefit you specifically and if there’s any extra cost involved. There is never any ‘hard sell’, just a clear explanation of your options so you can make an informed choice.

If you’ve had previous failed cycles for example, then EmbryoScope time-lapse development may be recommended, which gives our embryologists more information about the earliest stages of embryo development, identifying anomalies that may not be visible with standard laboratory culture. 

Or you may not be offered any additional techniques at all, apart from the ones we include as standard at no charge. Whilst we understand that you want to maximise your chances of success, ‘add-ons’ are only offered if we feel they may directly benefit your chances of pregnancy.

Your treatment is always bespoke to you based on your unique, individual and personal diagnosis and circumstances.

Proven ‘add-ons’:Blastocyst culture, adherence compounds such as EmbryoGlue, Endometrial Scratch and Natural Cycle IUI were all found to improve live birth rates in Panorama’s investigation. We offer all of these at Manchester Fertility, with Blastocyst culture and EmbryoGlue offered completely free of charge as standard treatment inclusions to maximise chances of pregnancy for every single one of our patients.

All patient embryos transferred at Manchester Fertility are dipped into EmbryoGlue to help them stick to the uterus; whilst any embryos suitable are developed to Blastocyst stage for all patients.

Our success, your reassurance:With over 5,000 Manchester Fertility babies born to date - a number that’s growing week-by-week – you can be confident in our team and your treatment. Our entire team is entirely focused on you, your needs and your best interests - it shapes everything we do. It’s why so many people trust us to give them a family.

Discover the Manchester Fertility difference for yourself. Come and see one of our Patient Advisors for a free one-to-one, or start your treatment journey by applying online. And with no waiting list for any of our treatments, we may also have short notice appointments available.

If you’ve got any questions at all about the advanced techniques and treatments we offer, we’re happy to help. Call our team on 0161 300 2737.

Last updated: 30th November 2016

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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