IVF, Fertility Treatment and the Importance of Informed Consent

12th October 2017 in IVF

Read Time: 2 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

IVF and patient consent have made global headlines this past week, in light of the legal case of a forged signature to achieve IVF pregnancy, which showed just how serious the implications of consent are.

Your HFEA treatment consent forms are essential to your journey to a baby. Without your informed, written consent and that of your partner if you have one for your sperm, eggs and embryos to be used, your IVF or fertility treatment can’t begin.

The forms outline all the different aspects of your fertility treatment that you need to give permission for, including the use of your eggs, sperm and embryos in your treatment, and how long you wish them to be stored.

The forms also cover legal parenthood if you’re in a relationship but not married or in a civil partnership, and what should happen to your sperm, eggs or embryos if something happens to you.

They’re a crucial part of your treatment documentation. But at Manchester Fertility we don’t rely on traditional paperwork to secure patient consent.

We’ve invested in online technology – EngagedMD –to improve the informed consent process, making it efficient and stress-free for you.

EngagedMD is an online tool that not only helps you to understand and learn about your specific treatment through educational videos and modules, it tracks and collects your electronically-signed consent forms.

EngagedMD is part of our advanced patient system that includes your own private, online Patient Portal – a secure treatment tracker hub that allows you access to letters and correspondence relating to your treatment 24/7.

Our team is here to support and help when completing your HFEA consent forms, as these must be completed correctly in line with HFEA regulations.

We’ll always ensure you understand the implications of the consent you’re giving – or withdrawing if your relationship circumstances change –with counselling offered if needed.

If you’d like to speak to someone about the issue of consent for IVF and fertility treatment, chat to our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737.We have no waiting list for any of our treatments, if you’d like our help to have a baby self-refer here.


Last updated: 18th July 2024

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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