Query re Serum FSH and LH Levels

Do Serum FSH levels of 19.6 u/L and Serum LH level of 18.4 u/L in October 2016 and Serum FSH level of 56.8 u/L and Serum LH level of 27.7 u/L in December 2017 indicate that the menopause has taken place and that fertility treatment could not occur? If so was this the case in October 2016? I am a healthy 41 year old lady who would have liked to have frozen eggs.
Thanks very much

Our Expert's Answer

This information was published 6 years, 6 months ago and was correct at the time of publication. It may not reflect our current practices or regulations.

Please note that all the answers we give are on a generic basis only, as we cannot provide more in-depth answers without access to your medical history. If you need a more detailed response, tailored to you, we would recommend a consultation with one of our Fertility Specialists for more comprehensive medical advice.

The outcome of fertility treatment depends on many factors. Without having any other information, it is fair to say that an FSH of 19.6 IU/L predicts very low response to any fertility treatment which includes ovarian stimulation and therefore routinely not recommended. It is ovarian failure, not menopausal change.

FSH>30 IU/L, like yours at 56.8 IU/L suggests proper premenopausal stage where very often the periods are disrupted and estrogen production is insufficient.

It is not clear if you are enquiring about freezing your own eggs or donor egg treatment? Egg freezing would not be an option available for you I am afraid. Using donor eggs is certainly a good idea, which you can try with good chances, indenpedent of your FSH level or menstrual cycle status.

To discuss this more, please call us on 0161 300 2737.