IVF at 44

I am 44
I would like to do ivf using donor sperm and eggs as I am not sure I still got viable eggs
I am also a diabetic
What are my chances at ivf with success

Our Expert's Answer

This information was published 7 years, 7 months ago and was correct at the time of publication. It may not reflect our current practices or regulations.

Please note that all the answers we give are on a generic basis only, as we cannot provide more in-depth answers without access to your medical history. If you need a more detailed response, tailored to you, we would recommend a consultation with one of our Fertility Specialists for more comprehensive medical advice.

The two main elements of IVF success are female age (egg quality) and ovarian egg reserve. With your age general IVF success rate is low, probably around 5-8% at best. In cases of good ovarian egg reserve (which can be tested by an ultrasound scan and blood test) there is a good chance to achieve egg collection which is the first step.

However please note even if pregnancy was achieved the risk of miscarriage is high as chromosomal abnormalities are very common in the older patient.

We would be pleased to offer you counselling to explore the options most suitable for your situation or if you wish to have a 1-2-1 discussion with a patient advisor, please telephone us on 0161 300 2737.