I'm 31 years old and was diagnosed with pcos at 22 years old. I'm overweight with a bmi of 42 although I'm very active and go gym 3 to 4 times a week always on the go and actually quite fit considering my size. I have been told I can't be helped with fertility from my hospital because of my size but I was wondering could you maybe help me and how much it would cost, this is my last chance in my eyes of ever having my own child, if you could help me i would be truly grateful thanks

Our Expert's Answer

This information was published 7 years, 11 months ago and was correct at the time of publication. It may not reflect our current practices or regulations.

Please note that all the answers we give are on a generic basis only, as we cannot provide more in-depth answers without access to your medical history. If you need a more detailed response, tailored to you, we would recommend a consultation with one of our Fertility Specialists for more comprehensive medical advice.

Most patients treated in the NHS must have a BMI of 30 or below. These guildelines are set out by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). At Manchester Fertility, we can offer treatment for people with a BMI up to 35.