Quality Eggs & Embryos for your IVF Success

21st October 2016 in IVF

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

With news of a new ‘minimal stimulation transfer’ technique that results in quality eggs, how do we ensure that your ovarian stimulation successfully produces eggs for your IVF treatment cycle, and that you have good quality embryos?

With leading IVF pregnancy rates of over 53% for women under 35; and 41% for women aged under 38, at Manchester Fertility our combination of tailored fertility medication and the most advanced techniques and technologies maximises your egg and embryo quality and chances of IVF success

Quality, not quantity

Our main focus is always on the quality of your eggs – not the quantity. It’s why your fertility medication protocol is always tailored exactly to you, to result in a good number of eggs whilst using the minimum dosage of drugs. We’ll be able to identify what medication regimen is right for you, based on the results of your initial screening and fertility tests

Minimising your risk of OHSS

Thorough initial screening also means we’ll be able to tell if you’re at higher risk of any side-effects before your cycle begins, such as OHSS – Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome – which is when your ovaries ‘over-respond’ to the fertility drugs you need and produce too many eggs.

We can reduce your risk of OHSS significantly by using the most appropriate dosage of fertility drugs for you.

You’ll be carefully monitored throughout stimulation phase, with regular blood tests and scans at our clinic, so we can ensure you’re responding well and as you should be.

Once your eggs are safely recovered, they’re fertilised in our laboratory by either your partner’s sperm or donor sperm from our sperm donor bank. Your eggs are then carefully monitored over the next few hours, to see how many fertilise. We’ll keep you updated on progress and will call to let you know how many fertilised eggs you have.

Embryo development: EmbryoScope time-lapse

Fertilised eggs are then transferred to our special incubators to mature into embryos. You have the choice of either standard embryo development in our state-of-the-art incubators, or EmbryoScope time-lapse development.

EmbryoScope uses special time-lapse cameras to video every crucial stage of development whilst your embryos remain undisturbed, giving our team enhanced details about each embryo so only those with the highest potential for pregnancy are selected for transfer. You can read more about the benefits of EmbryoScope here.

For standard culture, Blastocyst transfer is offered at no cost. A Blastocyst is where your embryo has been further developed to an advanced stage in our incubator, embryos that reach this advanced Blastocyst stage have a higher potential for pregnancy.

Transfer: EmbryoGlue

When it’s time for your embryo transfer, at Manchester Fertility we use a special ‘glue’ solution that’s proven to help your embryo stick to the uterus after transfer to increase the chance of successful implantation. EmbryoGlue is provided free of charge for all embryo transfers.

Start IVF treatment with no waiting list

We have no waiting list for IVF treatment at Manchester Fertility, even if you need to use donor sperm or donor eggs in your cycle to have a baby. Book your consultation with our fertility specialists online, or call our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737 to arrange a no-obligation, one-to-one appointment.


Last updated: 20th October 2016

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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