Why you should choose a UK egg donor - with a refund if you don't have a baby

19th October 2016 in Treatments

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Do you believe that going abroad is the most cost-effective option if you need to use an egg donor to have a baby?

At Manchester Fertility we offer you a money-back guarantee if you don’t have a baby with the help of one of our egg donors, through the Access Fertility Donor Eggs IVF Refund Plan.

Under the plan, which is open to women aged up to 48, you receive up to three cycles of IVF/ICSI with a guarantee of six donor eggs per cycle, at a heavily-discounted cost per cycle compared to paying as you go along. Plus if treatment is unsuccessful after all your included cycles and embryo transfers are completed, you receive up to 70% of plan fees back.

Alternatively, we offer a range of egg donor packages – an Exclusive package, a Shared package and a Frozen Cycle option, all at tiered prices.

Offering a refund plan and tiered cost donor eggs packages is one of the ways we’re making IVF with donor eggs accessible to as many women as we can. We don’t believe that you should have to even consider going abroad for donor eggs IVF.

Through our successful egg donation programme, Egg Donors UK, we’re able to offer you immediate treatment with no waiting list for a UK egg donor; with pregnancy rates of almost 40% for our egg donor recipients aged 40-42.

Choosing an egg donor from Manchester Fertility and having treatment at our Cheshire-based fertility clinic has many advantages compare to going abroad for treatment:

  • All of our egg donors are healthy, fertile, UK-based women aged 18-35 who donate exclusively to us
  • Our egg donors are health screened to the strictest HFEA standards, including a thorough review of family medical history as far back as grandparents
  • Implications counselling for you and your egg donor
  • Detailed egg donor profiles to help you choose with the insight and support of our dedicated Donation Team
  • Guaranteed chain of care – we look after you at every stage of your treatment, including the early days of your pregnancy – before your care is transferred to your local NHS unit.

Find out more about donor eggs IVF at Manchester Fertility. If you’re looking for an egg donor, we can offer you treatment even if you live outside of our region. Read our Access Fertility Donor Eggs IVF Refund Plan FAQs to see if it’s an option for you.

We also invite you to book a no obligation, free one-to-one with our Patient Advisors, where you can discuss your treatment options and find out more about our available egg donors in private and in confidence, or you can apply online here.


Last updated: 20th January 2020

Dr Anamika Rao - Fertility Consultant
About the author

Dr Anamika Rao

Fertility Consultant

Dr Anamika Rao is our Fertility Consultant with 20 years of experience in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Infertility and Early pregnancy. She …

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