Movember & Mental Health: How We Support Male Patients

1st November 2022 in Infertility

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Here’s a question for all the guys: Would you talk to your mates if you had a fertility problem?

According to the charity, mental health is a big deal this Movember - one in eight men has experienced a mental health problem, which focuses on the most significant health issues affecting men globally every year, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health.

The stigma associated with male fertility issues is understandably, in some cases, difficult to cope with. At Manchester Fertility, we take positive action to ensure that men with fertility problems don’t feel this way but feel fully understood and supported.

We provide not only the physical help you conceive but the mental and emotional help you need too so you can look forward to your future together as a family.

Our initiatives include:

Free private 1-2-1 chat

If you’re worried about your fertility, chat with us confidently. We offer a free, private one to one telephone appointments with our Patient Advisors. It’s a non-medical appointment where we can listen to your concerns, reassure you and advise next steps – whether a private sperm analysis fertility test or full clinical consultation for you and your partner.

Dedicated male fertility specialists

Our consultants, Dr Steve Bromage and Dr Vaibhav Modgil specialise in diagnosing and treating male fertility problems. 

Male Fertility treatments

From IVF and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) to specialist surgical sperm retrieval and treatment with UK donor sperm with no waiting list, we specialise in helping infertile men have a baby through a comprehensive range of male fertility treatments.

Support that focuses on both of you

Men going through fertility treatment can often feel excluded from the process. We ensure you’re both included in every stage and decision, providing emotional support that meets your needs at every step. This is especially important if you’re using donor sperm - we want to ensure you feel as engaged and involved.

Professional counselling

Men often don’t like to talk about how they feel about fertility treatment for fear of adding additional stress to their partner. Our professional fertility counsellors offer the impartial ‘outside’ support you need. Counselling is included in every treatment we offer. You can choose to see our counsellors together and alone, so you’re each free to talk through your feelings in private without fear of judgement. It’s a confidential, separate part of your fertility journey with us.

Manchester Fertility: A specialist male fertility clinic 

We understand it can be daunting to take that first step to fertility help, so we offer several different ways for you to get in touch:

Last updated: 16th November 2022

Mr Vaibhav Modgil - Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist
About the author

Mr Vaibhav Modgil

Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist

Vaibhav is a Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist at the Manchester Andrology Centre, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester University NHS Foundation …

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