Advanced Embryo Selection & Transfer: Improving Your IVF Pregnancy Chances

12th January 2018 in IVF

Read Time: 4 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Creating and choosing the best embryo is key to IVF pregnancy. At Manchester Fertility, we use the most modern, scientifically-proven techniques available for embryo selection in our state-of-the-art laboratory.

Not only can we use time-lapse technology to identify your best embryos, if you’ve had previous implantation failure we can use a breakthrough genetic test to precisely time your embryo transfer so it’s within your unique, individual window of implantation.

Here’s an overview of the advanced embryo selection methods we use, to improve your chance of IVF pregnancy:

Creating quality embryos: Tailored ovarian stimulation

When you undergo ovarian stimulation with us, our goal isn’t to achieve many eggs but quality eggs that result in quality embryos. We’ll gently stimulate your ovaries to help you produce healthy mature eggs, using precise doses of fertility drugs tailored to you.

Choosing the best embryos: Timelapse technology and genetic screening

Identifying the best embryos used to rely on the skill of the embryologist alone. But thanks to the development of new techniques, at Manchester Fertility it’s a precise process that combines advanced technologies with embryology expertise:

Time-lapse incubators:Our special EmbryoScope time-lapse incubators create videos showing every crucial stage of embryo growth. These videos give us in-depth insight beyond what we can typically see through standard incubation, allowing us to identify the embryos that have developed properly for the best chance of pregnancy. Time-lapse is an option available to all patients.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS):Chromosome issues in the embryo are a common cause of miscarriage and failed IVF. If you’ve had repeated failed IVF cycles, recurrent miscarriage or are of advanced maternal age, we can use Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) to further enhance embryo selection for a healthy pregnancy and baby. PGS analyses chromosome numbers in the embryo, so only those embryos with the right numbers of chromosomes are chosen for transfer.

Blastocyst transfer:We develop embryos to blastocyst stage at no cost to you. Blastocysts are embryos that have successfully reached an advanced cell stage, further showing us which of your embryos have the highest potential for pregnancy.

Embryology skill:Our highly-skilled embryologists are amongst the best in their field, perfecting techniques and continuously learning as science advances. So our patients always have the advantage of the very latest embryology methods for their treatment.

Transferring embryos: Identifying your implantation window

The timing and transfer of embryos is also crucial to IVF success. For patients who’ve had repeated implantation failure, we offer a revolutionary new method to pinpoint your window of implantation.

Around 25% of women who have repeated implantation failure have a displaced window of implantation. The new Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) testing is a genetic test that accurately assesses when your endometrial lining is at its most receptive to the embryo, so we can precisely time your transfer to increase your chance of successful implantation.

Embryos are also dipped into a special solution prior to transfer. EmbryoGlue replicates the body’s natural hormones and acts as a ‘glue’ to help the embryo adhere to the uterus for implantation. We use it as standard for all embryo transfers, at no cost to you.

Advanced IVF at Manchester Fertility: Treatment you can trust

Although many of the advanced IVF techniques we use are included free of charge in all treatment cycles, you can be reassured that any technologies and techniques that involve extra cost will only be offered to you if we feel they may directly benefit your chance of pregnancy.

You’ll always receive a thorough and clear explanation from your Manchester Fertility consultant about how it may benefit you and the exact costs involved, so you can make an informed choice at the outset.

Additional techniques aren’t advised for every patient, treatment is always individualised and what may work for one patient, may not be of benefit for you.

Start IVF treatment today

Talk to our friendly and experienced Patient Advisors to find out more about our IVF innovations on 0161 300 2737.

You can also book a free one-to-one to learn more about our approach or apply online to start IVF with us. We have no waiting lists for any treatment including using UK donor eggs or donor sperm.

We’ll also be at the Fertility Show Manchester 24-25 March. Come and meet our team at stand B10! Book your tickets online.


Last updated: 10th July 2024

Dr Debbie Falconer - Managing Director (Joint)
About the author

Dr Debbie Falconer

Managing Director (Joint)

Debbie is our Person Responsible for the Clinic and has worked in embryology for over 30 years. The Embryology Laboratory …

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