Low sperm count

My son is 28 and had an operation when he was 14 for undescended testicles. He has had to have a sperm count which is very low. He is devastated and inconsolable as the count was below a million.

What are the chances of becoming a father naturally?

Our Expert's Answer

This information was published 7 years, 10 months ago and was correct at the time of publication. It may not reflect our current practices or regulations.

Please note that all the answers we give are on a generic basis only, as we cannot provide more in-depth answers without access to your medical history. If you need a more detailed response, tailored to you, we would recommend a consultation with one of our Fertility Specialists for more comprehensive medical advice.

With a sperm count of 1 million per ml your son may need help to achieve a pregnancy.  A procedure called ICSI along with IVF will help him and his partner.  I would advise him to try and freeze a sample of sperm as sometimes sperm counts in men can reduce over time.