Understanding your chances of IVF success

23rd July 2015 in IVF

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Did you know that at Manchester Fertility our success rates for IVF and all of our treatments are measured only by confirmed clinical pregnancies?

Our yearly combined results for 2014 show that 43% of women aged 38 and under that had IVF/ICSI with us achieved pregnancy. But what does this mean for you?

Every IVF clinic has their own way of presenting results. Even though all results must be reported to the HFEA, many clinics are selective about what they publish on their own websites. Which makes it difficult to gauge which clinic might be best placed to help you. 

The fact is that every patient is different. Everyone has their own unique diagnosis and reason for needing our help to conceive. It’s for this reason that we advise that success rates, when used as a comparison, should always only be viewed as an indication. Individual chances of success can’t be given without us knowing your exact medical history, and that of your partner, and the results of any fertility testing.

Many factors make up your chances of success. These include your age, diagnosis, fertility status and type of treatment. Techniques and innovations, and consultant expertise, also impact on your chances of success.

Does a clinic use EmbryoScope technology to select the best embryos to transfer, innovations such as EmbryoGlue to help embryos stick post transfer, and Blastocyst transfer? Do their consultants have the right expertise in your specific fertility problem? Do they use modern techniques such as flash freezing or vitrification, to store your embryos?

All of these can also influence whether your treatment works. The best thing to do if you’re considering a specific clinic is to visit it informally, and get a feel for their approach. Do consider their success rates, but these should only form part of your decision because they are so general and not individualised for you.

If you need our help to get pregnant, book in for a free one to one with our Patient Advisors as a first step. These are informal appointments, with no obligation, where we’ll explain what happens when you join us as a patient, all the different treatment stages and next steps to start you on your journey. You can also tour our clinic, meet some of our expert team and, of course, ask any questions you have. Book your appointment here

If you’re comparing clinics, read our Success Rates page for our tips and advice on interpreting success rates and what you should consider.

Last updated: 22nd July 2015

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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