At Manchester Fertility we have a great deal of experience in helping our patients transfer their NHS IVF funding, so they can have their NHS IVF cycle at our clinic instead of a specified local NHS unit.
Our Patient Advisor Adele McHugh works closely with local Clinical Commissioning Groups to help our patients with NHS infertility treatment funding transfer.
If you are eligible for NHS IVF funding where you live, and you meet your Clinical Commissioning Group’s criteria to receive infertility treatment on the NHS, this is typically what happens when you request this funding to be transferred to us:
1. Your GP submits the application on your behalf to your local Clinical Commissioning Group for funding your NHS infertility treatment. You can find out which CCG you fall under here.
2. Your request for infertility treatment on the NHS is either accepted or declined. Eligibility for each CCG varies, and so does the number of IVF cycles or treatment cycles offered. Some CCGs offer one cycle, some offer the maximum recommended three cycles. This is the so-called NHS IVF postcode lottery – what you are entitled to on the NHS depends on where you live.
3. If your funding is accepted you can apply to have your funding transferred to Manchester Fertility. This is usually done with a second application from your GP to request a funding transfer. Your request will need to include reasons why your funding should be transferred. Such as the local NHS waiting list is too long, you have already had some appointments with us at Manchester Fertility, you feel your chances of success would be improved having treatment with us, you live closer to our clinic or you’ve had poor quality care on the NHS.
4. Your CCG will consider your request and if the funding transfer is accepted, your CCG will write to you and to us, explaining exactly what you are entitled to – such as the number of cycles and your exact treatment. We then get in touch with you to take your treatment forward.
Infertility Network is leading the way in aiming to end the UK’s NHS postcode lottery and has plenty of useful information about applying for funding, and how to appeal if your request is declined. It’s also a good source of support if you’re trying to get treatment on the NHS.
If you have any queries about transferring NHS funding, read our useful guide or call our team on 0161 300 2737.
Last updated: 7th February 2024