Nutrition and Lifestyle Advice for Fertility Treatment

14th March 2018 in Advice

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Did you know that what you eat and whether you smoke are two of the lifestyle factors that can influence your chances of IVF success?

Nutrition and smoking are both under the spotlight this week, for Nutrition and Hydration Week and No Smoking Day (14 March).

Many women wait until they’re pregnant to change eating and lifestyle habits – but nutrition matters just as much when you’re trying for a baby too. Especially when preparing for and going through fertility treatment. Smoking can also affect your fertility.

At Manchester Fertility looking after your health and wellbeing is part of your journey with us. We make sure that you and your partner are in the best health to optimise your fertility before treatment starts.

This may involve changes to your diet before you start IVF, and lifestyle advice about stopping smoking too.

Expert fertility nutrition support for Manchester Fertility patients

At Manchester Fertility, we put a strong focus on the importance of good nutrition in fertility treatment for both partners.

Some patients need help to lower or raise their BMI before IVF begins, as obesity or being underweight can negatively affect fertility in both men and women. Good nutrition and eating well also keeps you strong and ready for the challenges of your fertility journey.

Through a private consultation, you’ll be provided with the practical help you need to either meet a BMI goal or learn more about the role nutrition plays in fertility, conception and pregnancy.

Lifestyle advice: Smoking and other factors

We’ll perform a thorough health review before any fertility treatment is advised so we can identify if there are any lifestyle factors, such as smoking, that may impact your chances of IVF success.

Smoking affects fertility in both men and women. In women it can affect egg quality and may affect ovarian resevere in the long term. In men it can affect sperm count and mortality and increase DNA fragmentation rate.

So if you’re planning to start fertility treatment and you smoke, it’s sensible to stop smoking first. Ideally stop smoking at least three months before your cycle starts. The NHS has lots of online stop smoking resources to help you with this.

Be ready for fertility treatment

Learn more about your health and getting ready for treatment with us. Or you can book in for a free private 1-2-1 to explore our ‘whole body and mind’ approach to your fertility journey and care.

If you’d like to start fertility treatment with us, you can self-refer online or call our Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737.

You can also meet us at the Fertility Show Manchester (24-25 March) at Stand B10.


Last updated: 12th April 2023

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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