IVF Tips: Your Top 5 FAQs Answered

23rd February 2019 in IVF

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.


Are you planning to have IVF this year? Our team answers your top five questions about IVF, so you know what to expect, what to do and how to get started:

Do I really need IVF and am I suitable?

IVF can help overcome many different fertility issues, but not everyone who is struggling to conceive needs it. Every patient is different, and that means there always needs to be a unique approach. We look at lots of different factors when planning the right treatment for you, including your fertility test results, age, health and lifestyle. If IVF is your best option, it will be tailored and personalised to you.

How long does IVF take?

A typical cycle of IVF including your pregnancy test can take up to six weeks. It may not seem like a long time now, but we know it can when you are actually going through treatment. We are there to support you all the way through and you will always know where your cycle is up to, via your own personalised App and your private patient portal. 

Is there anything I should do during IVF?

It is sensible to take the same approach as you would if you were trying to conceive naturally. Eat lots of the right foods rich in vitamins and minerals, get plenty of rest, make sure you both take the time for self-care and avoid vigorous exercise. Try to carry on ‘as normal’ as much as possible. If you need our advice or reassurance at any time, just get in touch with us – it is what we are here for.

What are the age and BMI limits for IVF?

The BMI limit for IVF is 35 and you can have IVF with us up to the age of 50, we have UK donor eggs ready to help you conceive. Having an IVF BMI limit may be frustrating, but it is there to ensure the best outcome for you. IVF success rates are a lot lower in women with a high BMI and there is also a greater risk of complications. We will advise you to delay your IVF until your BMI is within a healthy range, our fertility nutritionist can help you achieve this so you can start IVF as soon as possible.

Are there any other treatments that can help me as well as IVF?

There are lots of procedures and techniques that can be combined with IVF to help you have a baby. Such as ICSI for sperm issues, genetic testing to identify healthy embryos and endometrial testing for embryo implantation. Whether any further procedures are advised depends on your initial individual results and IVF and pregnancy history. We will always give you full details of every aspect of your treatment, including the evidence behind it, so you understand why it is being advised and can make an informed decision.

How to start IVF with Manchester Fertility

If you have any questions about IVF, call our friendly Patient Advisors on 0161 300 2737 or book a private, free 1-2-1 to find out more about IVF with us and your IVF funding options.

If you are ready to start IVF, there is no waiting list. Call us or complete our easy and quick online IVF self-referral form.

The Manchester Fertility team will also be at next month’s Fertility Show at Manchester Central, 23-24 March. Come and meet us on stand B10.

Last updated: 10th July 2024