In the USA infertility clinics have found a new way to help people fund their private infertility treatment – they’re offering loans to help meet the cost.
The move by some clinics has already raised ethical questions about how a clinic and its consultants can be impartial and provide advice and treatment that’s in the best interests of their patient, when many have ties to specific loan providers.
Plus there’s the issue of exploitation. Many who need infertility treatment to have a baby are vulnerable and are willing to try any treatment offered, regardless of cost and whether they can afford it.
It’s why in the UK you don’t see clinics offering loans to pay for treatment. So how can you meet the cost of infertility treatment if you need it?
If you meet the criteria outlined by your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) then you may be eligible for infertility treatment on the NHS. You can find more details about funding for fertility on the NHS here via Infertility Network.
If you are eligible for cycles of infertility treatment on the NHS, then did you know you don’t have to attend the clinic they refer you to? It is possible for you to request for your NHS funding to be re-directed to a private provider such as Manchester Fertility. Read our handy guide about how to do this here.
If your only option is to pay for private treatment yourself, if you are aged between 18 and 35 and are willing to donate half of your eggs retrieved for your own treatment, then you may be able to join our egg-sharing programme. Our egg-sharers receive a cycle of IVF with us for £870 inclusive of all testing and drugs in return for donating their eggs to help others have a baby. We have great success rates for our egg-sharers, currently the majority (55%) of women who have donated their eggs this way with us have achieved pregnancy through their own IVF cycle.
You may also be interested in our tips on how to choose a private infertility clinic, so you can ensure that you receive the right care and expertise for you. Remember we have an open-door policy – if you would like to visit our facility and meet our team, please contact our Patient Advisors who can arrange an informal visit for you. We look forward to welcoming you.
Last updated: 20th January 2020