How we are continuing to support the NHS

9th April 2020 in Advice

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Support NHS

How we are continuing to support the NHS

Right now, The NHS is "rallying the troops" for the war on coronavirus, with volunteers being called up to help vulnerable people to stay safe and well.

We wanted to share with you how we are helping to support these amazing people at this critical time. We are seeing the nation come together with selfless acts of kindness and heroism. So, what are we doing in this time of need?

We loaned our ventilator to the NHS.

One ventilator – many lives. We wanted to give something back, so we have loaned our ventilator to the NHS - we hope it helps to save as many lives as possible. So many people are coming together at this time, and we feel it is the least we can do to offer our help and support.

Sister Sam Potts - Head of Nursing, said:  “I sent a photo of the ventilator going on the lorry to my team with a caption saying ‘I hope it save some lives’, and they were all really choked, I was too.”

Our Doctors and Consultants

We have many Manchester Fertility doctors and consultants who also work for the NHS and we send our love and wishes that they stay safe and well at this time.

How you can help

The nation is looking for up to 250,000 volunteers to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions.

The public can sign up easily at to become an NHS Volunteer and be called on to do vital and simple tasks such as:

  • Driving patients to appointments
  • Bringing them home from the hospital
  • Delivering medicines from pharmacies;
  • Making regular phone calls to check on people isolating at home.

Find out more details here of how you can help.

Let's get through this together

Tonight, is another ‘Clap for Carers'; The NHS, the care home workers, and the shop workers, but we know the list does not end there, so we thank you all, with all our hearts, you are all doing a great job. We will all be clapping on our doorsteps again to show our full support!

We know how upsetting this time is for all of our patients who are waiting to start their treatment. Our priority must be your safety and wellbeing. See our latest blog about Fertility treatment and COVID-19, Q&A's – which we hope will answer some of your questions.

Our Patient Teams are at the end of the telephone. They can answer any questions you may have or give support and advice about your treatment or future treatment. Our Doctors and Counsellors are also on hand to offer you virtual appointments.

If you would like to speak to any of our specialists, contact our New Patient Team on 0161 300 2737.

Stay Safe from the Manchester Fertility Team.

Last updated: 9th April 2020

Sister Samantha Potts - Head of Nursing
About the author

Sister Samantha Potts

Head of Nursing

Samantha has always had an interest in women’s health, after time spent as a Registered Nurse and then a midwife …

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