Fertility Week: What's Your #FutureFertility?

2nd November 2018 in Advice

Read Time: 3 mins

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Do you know your fertility vital statistics? According to Fertility Network UK and its #FutureFertility focus for Fertility Week, for women they are 28:35:42.

Age 28 is when your fertility is already falling, at age 35 it declines and then at age 42, the chance of conceiving naturally is small.

Every person’s fertility rate is different, but proactive fertility education is important if you are thinking of having a family.

Here is how you find out about your own fertility, and what can be done to help you conceive if you are older:

Become fertility aware with a Fertility Assessment

A Fertility Assessment examines your current fertility status. Even if you are not planning to try for a baby yet, it can help identify any issues that you are unaware of, which may make it hard to conceive.

For women, a Fertility Assessment looks at your hormone levels, ovarian reserve and includes a pelvic ultrasound scan. For men, it involves an in-depth look at sperm health and ability to fertilise an egg, including sperm count, movement and shape.

You can book a Fertility Assessment without a referral at Manchester Fertility. When your results are ready, you will see one of our fertility specialists for a consultation, where we will explain what your results mean.

Fertility in your 30s

Fertility generally starts to decline once you reach your thirties, and even more so from the age of 35. If this is the time you are planning to have a baby, make sure you and your partner are in the best health to optimise your fertility.

Make simple lifestyle and dietary changes and ensure you both have a healthy BMI. If you have any concerns about your fertility or are not getting pregnant, don’t delay seeking professional help from a fertility specialist or your GP, as IVF success rates decrease with age.

The thirties is also when many women consider egg freezing. If you are interested in fertility preservation, we would advise it is done when you are as young as possible, in your early 30s or even late 20s, before your fertility has started to decline.

We will advise if fertility preservation is suitable for you, so you can make an informed decision.

Fertility in your 40s

Many women still manage to conceive in their 40s but whether you can still have a baby depends on lots of factors, in particular your ovarian reserve and egg quality.

At Manchester Fertility we specialise in helping older women to become mothers, through personalised IVF tailored to you, or treatment with donor eggs from our own UK donor egg bank, which would be recommended if you are over the age of 44 or your ovarian reserve is very low.

Fertility advice and help: Manchester Fertility

If you need help to conceive or are worried about your fertility, book in for a no obligation, free 1-2-1 with a Patient Advisor to discuss how we can help.

We can arrange a Fertility Assessment or consultation with one of our fertility specialists, to identify the best way forward for you to have a family. Book your 1-2-1 online or call us on 0161 300 2737.

Last updated: 10th March 2021

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford - Patient Services Manager
About the author

Rihannah Leech-Ratchford

Patient Services Manager

Rihannah has many years of experience in managing teams and is dedicated to providing outstanding patient satisfaction. Previously, she worked …

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