What is a Fertility Assessment?

1st December 2022 in Fertility, Treatments

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Doctor consulting patient about his fertility assessment results

A fertility assessment is often the first stage of a patient’s journey with Manchester Fertility. If an individual or a couple has concerns about their fertility, fertility testing with us will provide valuable insight and in some cases alleviate apprehension.

Our team of experts are dedicated to our patients through every step of their journey from the initial consultation to the final results. In this blog, we will talk you through why it is important to have fertility tests, when you should have one and how we can support you from the very beginning of your fertility journey.

Can I Have a Fertility Assessment?

Our fertility assessments are available to individuals and couples, with no need for a referral from your General Practitioner. So, you can focus on getting some answers without worrying about securing an appointment. 

After a series of short tests, including blood test and scans, and a semen analysis for men, patients will have the opportunity to consult with a fertility specialist, who will help them make informed decisions and advise on how best to conceive.

Should I Have a Fertility Assessment?

There are many reasons someone might want to undergo fertility testing or assessments. Much like the people we help, every reason is unique. We provide screenings for those who:

  • Have experienced difficulty conceiving
  • Have been waiting a long time to get assessed on the NHS
  • Want to know more about their fertility before they attempt to start a family
  • Those who wish to discuss their options for conception

Every person is welcome to undergo a fertility assessment at Manchester Fertility, whatever their reason.

Are Fertility Assessments Different for Men and Women? 

Fertility assessments are different for men and women, but the process is very similar. Below, we’ve outlined the process for both female and male patients.

Female Fertility Assessments

Step 1 

An AMH Blood Test, or Anti-Mullerian Hormone test, approximates how many remaining eggs you have. We refer to this number as your ovarian reserve. Having a lower AMH level does not mean you cannot conceive naturally. But we may advise starting your family sooner if the level is low.

Step 2 

A Pelvic Ultrasound Scan is a painless procedure that gives us an accurate overview of your reproductive health. We perform a transvaginal scan of your womb and ovaries, so any concerns that may affect conception or embryo implantation are identified.

Step 3 

As part of your transvaginal ultrasound procedure an antral follicle count will be taken. Although it may sound intimidating, all we are looking for is a more accurate understanding of the number of eggs in your ovarian reserve.

Step 4 

At the final stage of the process, we will conduct a Health Check. At this point, we measure your height, weight and BMI to ensure you’re suitable for treatment. We can advise you on how best to raise or lower your BMI to improve the chance of conception.

Male Fertility Assessments 

As part of fertility assessment, men undergo a Semen Analysis. We collect a sample of sperm and assess certain important features, such as: 

  • Sperm Shape - looking at the head, midsection and tail, we analyse how the shape might affect the sperm’s ability to break through the wall of the egg 
  • Sperm movement, or motility, tells us how well your sperm is moving 
  • Overall sperm count, as the density varies from person to person on a day-to-day basis 
  • The volume and pH level of your semen, ensuring it is within normal range

What Happens After the Fertility Assessment?

We'll talk to you about your results in a private consultation with one of our treatment support advisors. They'll answer any questions you may have and outline your next steps.

Whatever the outcome of your fertility assessment, our expert team is properly prepared to help our patients no matter the outcome of their assessment. You advisor will discuss other factors that could affect your ability to conceive, such as age, lifestyle and general health. 

How Much Does It Cost?

Before you commit to the process, we'd be happy to welcome you to a free one-to-one appointment with our New Patient Team. At this point, it's natural to have questions, but our team of trained professionals are there to help you through every step of your journey.

If you decide to go ahead with a fertility assessment, a new patient coordinator will discuss how much it will cost. For a better understanding, you can view our complete and transparent treatment price list.

To begin your fertility journey today, contact our new patient team on 0161 300 2737, or book free, no-obligation, 1-2-1 Discovery Appointment today. 

Last updated: 18th July 2024