If you’re trying to get pregnant you may be monitoring when is the best time to try to conceive by using ovulation prediction kits – these can tell you by measuring the hormones in your urine that you are about to ovulate. Or, you may just be having regular intercourse, every two days, to maximise your chances of pregnancy.
But what if your ovulation prediction kit doesn’t identify any hormone rise? What if you are having regular intercourse, but no success?
One of the first things crucial to ascertain if you’re not getting pregnant as quickly as you’d like is that you’re actually ovulating. Surprising numbers of women have ovulatory problems, often, you may not even realise you have a problem.
Our Fertility MOT and Mini MOT tests looks at your ovarian function as part of your fertility analysis. This tells us whether you are ovulating and your ovarian reserve – how many eggs you have remaining in your ovaries.
If the tests identify an issue with ovulation, one of the simplest ways to help you get pregnant is using a treatment called induction of ovulation.This is where your ovaries are stimulated using fertility drugs to produce a mature egg.
You are carefully monitored by our team to identify when your egg is ready for release, so you can time intercourse accordingly. Or you may be undergoing IUI in conjunction with induction of ovulation, which is where a specially-prepared sample of your partner’s – or a donor’s – sperm is inserted directly into your uterus to put it closer to the egg for it to be fertilised.
Success rates from induction of ovulation depend upon a number of factors including your age and quality of eggs produced. So if you’re having trouble getting pregnant, don’t assume you need IVF. It could be that you have undiagnosed ovulation problems which can easily be overcome by a simple treatment.
Don’t forget that if you have any questions at all about getting pregnant, you can use our free, confidential Ask the Expert feature where our team answers your questions.
Last updated: 20th January 2020