Using Donor Eggs: A Day in the Life of Our Donation Team

7th September 2018 in Advice

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Because our Manchester Donors egg donor programme is one of the busiest and most successful in the UK, there’s a lot that goes on ‘behind the scenes’ to make sure you have seamless and stress-free donor eggs IVF treatment, from meeting potential egg donors to egg donor matching.

Here’s what happens in a typical day for our Donation Team, to give you an insight into  their role and how egg donor treatment is co-ordinated:

Meeting new egg donors and assessing applications

Women apply online to be egg donors with us, with our Donation Team assessing all applications to see who’s suitable to progress. We personally contact every applicant; women who meet the initial criteria are invited to come in for an appointment to explore egg donation further.

Co-ordinating the treatment process

Having treatment with donor eggs is a complex process that involves careful synchronisation of your treatment cycle, or thawing of eggs at exactly the right time if you’re using frozen donor eggs. Our Donation Team arranges all the tests and consultations egg donors need, and all your treatment appointments, so everything happens when it should.

Matching patients with egg donors

Our Donation Team is best placed to match you with the most suitable egg donor, as they get to know you and all our egg donors personally. They can give you personal insight, as well as detailed donor profiles, for extra reassurance in your choice. We put a great deal of focus into egg donor matching and are always adding new egg donors into our database.

Successful treatment

Because our Donation Team builds up such a close relationship with our patients and our donors, they’re always receiving calls from happy parents to let us know of a new baby arrival, or from egg donors who want to know if their eggs were used successfully. There’s no greater reward for our team, or for our donors, than to know someone’s had a baby as a result of everyone’s efforts.

Interested in treatment with donor eggs?

Have treatment with fresh or frozen UK donor eggs now at Manchester Fertility, we don’t have a waiting list. Talk to our Donation Team to get started on 0161 300 2737 or self-refer online.

Last updated: 14th February 2019