Fertility MOT - Be prepared

28th June 2010 in Infertility

This information was correct at the time of publishing. It may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations.

Earlier this month, a story appeared in the media about a Scottish woman who, at age 34 and fearing the ticking of her biological clock, decided to have a baby with her long-term partner.

She booked in for a fertility check at her local hospital, which is a similar service to the Fertility MOT we offer.

She was told after tests that her fertility levels were below average for a woman her age – and that she should start trying seriously trying for a baby straight away to maximise her chances, with a return appointment in a year if she has not fallen pregnant.

This story doesn’t surprise me, although it’s good news this lady had the foresight to look into her fertility before trying to conceive.

Our Fertility MOT service is becoming increasingly popular as more couples decide to put off having children until later in life.

If you’re not going to start trying for children until you’re in your early to mid-thirties, sometimes even later, you don’t want to hear at that stage that you’re not going to get pregnant easily, especially if you’ve been trying for a year or so. The truth is that fertility rates decline in both men and women from early 30s, and more sharply from 35 onwards. Every year that goes by impacts on your fertility.

It makes sense to be prepared. So if children aren’t on your agenda for a few years, book yourself AND your partner in for a Fertility MOT. It can identify any potential issues that could stop you getting pregnant – such as sperm disorders, or ovulation problems.

That way, if you know you’re going to need help to get pregnant, you can start saving for private treatment with clinics like Manchester Fertility, or get yourself on the NHS waiting list, which can be months or even years in some areas.

Don’t leave your fertility to chance. Even if you’re not ready for children, if you at least know your fertility rate you can decide whether you have the time to wait. Or not.

Last updated: 10th July 2024