Sarah and David
We first began to consider options beyond the NHS in 2019; having experienced four miscarriages, we were still facing quite a long wait to begin investigations into our fertility issues and were worried about the prospect of several more years of similar issues ahead of us.

A friend recommended Manchester Fertility Clinic, and from the moment we began exploring their website, we knew this was where we needed to be. In researching fertility treatment, we had struggled to find much information about services other than IVF, but we knew that wasn't what we needed. Manchester Fertility Clinic's website gave details of a wide range of services; we booked to go in immediately.

The entirety of our experience from that point on was amazing. We were so nervous when we arrived for our first appointment, but the kind, friendly staff put us at ease, and the modern, welcoming, and relaxed atmosphere of the clinic reassured us that we were in good hands. From being greeted by name, having a coffee whilst we waited, and being called into the appointment by the consultant himself, every detail was designed to give patients the best possible experience.

The team at Manchester Fertility Clinic were soon able to identify the cause of our struggles and plan a course of treatment accordingly. They were knowledgeable, professional, and unfailingly caring.
At an early pregnancy scan on 23rd December 2019 - the most nerve-wracking for us, as it had previously always been our 'bad news' scan - we learned of what our sonographer Becky called our "double Christmas miracle! better known as Grace and Evelyn.
Photography in this post courtesy of NC Hopes Photography
July 2021