The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has reported a big increase in the number of same-sex couples and single women receiving fertility treatment.
Apparently there has been a doubling of same-sex couples undergoing IVF since the law was changed in 2008, giving them the same parental rights as heterosexuals. Similarly, the number of single women going through treatment has trebled.
These figures are no surprise to us here at Manchester Fertility. Since we first opened our doors in 1986 we’ve treated countless same-sex couples and single women who need our help to get pregnant, whether through donor insemination or IVF.
When there are so many ‘grey market’ internet services promising easy access to sperm, it’s crucial that women who need to use donor sperm get access to this service through the right and proper channel of a registered fertility clinic, giving them the reassurance that the sperm is guaranteed safe to use.
We don’t ever want women to feel that they need to go through these internet services, because they’re worried they would be denied treatment because of their single status or the fact they’re in a same-sex relationship.
Our main aim is to help people to achieve a family, using the latest techniques available. So don’t ever be afraid or worried to enquire about treatment. Don’t forget we have regular open evenings solely dedicated to donor insemination treatment and to IVF and other fertility treatment in general, so you can come and find out more and meet us in person. For the latest dates, click here.
Last updated: 20th January 2020