Update 09/02/16: Access Fertility has revised its pre-paid IVF plans since this content was published. Please click here to find out more.
Did you know that over Christmas we’re open every day as normal, except Christmas Day?
At weekends, you can come in for appointments Saturday 7.30am to 12 noon and Sundays 9am to 1pm.
You can be assured that our team will have planned your treatment carefully so that our closure on Christmas Day only, does not affect your cycle schedule in any way. Any patients coming in to see us over the festive season will find no difference to our level of service or care.
Our Patient Advisor team will be on hand to help you if you have any worries or concerns over the Christmas holidays, you can simply call us direct on 0161 300 2737.
If you’re considering starting IVF or other fertility treatment in the New Year, you can also book in for an informal free one to one with our Patient Advisors. It’s a great opportunity to have a look around our clinic and ask us any questions you may have about how to fund your treatment, including through Access Fertility plans and through transferring your NHS funding..
You can also ask us about our Fertility MOT fertility checks, which can reassure you if you’re planning to get pregnant naturally next year and want to know how fertile you and your partner are before you try to conceive.
If you need to conceive using donor sperm, or donor eggs, we’ll also be able to advise you on our new and latest donors who have joined our Egg Donors UK donation programme. We have no waiting list for donor sperm or donor eggs, you’ll be able to start treatment as soon as you’re ready with full donor profiles and our dedicated Donation Team to help you choose your ideal donor.
We look forward to helping you start your family in 2016. Merry Christmas from us all at Manchester Fertility.
Last updated: 21st December 2015